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Oyewole Victor Ayoola is a Nigerian of Yoruba ethnic group,he is an Environmentalist, Urban Sociologist and Town planner.
Meaning of name
The name "Oyewole" is a yoruba name means "honours has come" in english language while Ayoola means joy and wealth.
Early life
Oyewole Ayoola was born in the town of Ipetumodu in the Osun state of Nigeria, he is the great-grandson of Oba Olakanmi Okoro Giesi who reign as Apetumodu of Ipetumodu between 1842-1866. Oyewole is the last child of his parents, he has five siblings, he starts his education at L.A. primary school Ipetumodu between 1999 to 2005, he also proceeds to L.A. secondary school Ipetumodu between 2005 to 2011, he then proceeds to Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife to study Urban and regional planning.
Personal Quotes
The worst form of slavery is mental slavery, which is more severe than physical slavery. If you are subjected to physical slavery, you will be aware that you are a slave; however, if you are subjected to mental slavery, you will be unaware that you are a slave and will be unable to liberate yourself, turn the tables on your oppressor, or pursue a path to freedom.
If a man has money and he cannot use it to influence people positively, then his money is as worthless as the most worthless thing in the world.
My love for the environment is not because of Creator but I know that any bad thing I do to the environment is to my detriment.
I am a pacifist not because I am a coward but because I know that before you can achieve three things through violence you must have destroyed two things.