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Draft:Kiss goodbye to the land for peace mindset in Israel

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This was written on July 13, 2006. In all past Middle East crises, Israel faced enemies like the P.L.O., Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. This time the enemies are the jihadists in Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and, most important, Iran. This gives this crisis a mind of its own, dealing with an enemy that hates the Jews and the USA more then Hitler’s Germany. In the past, the enemy was on the outskirts of the norm of thinking, now the enemy in Hamas and Hezbollah are members of governments. They have the support of the average person on the street. Why does the Arab street lean towards violence? Is there a psychological reason for this behavior? In the past, Palestinians, credit due to Yaser Arafat’s laborious efforts, owned their own fight. Now Mullahs and Imams in Iran and around the world took over the Palestinian fight, putting the survival of Israel in the cross hairs. Iran intends to start the destruction of Israel and western civilization, and to think - what if they had nuclear weapons? The western way of thinking is not shared by most Muslims in the world. The jihadists are anti freedom, anti democratic, not tolerant for any other religion, and with out respect to others values. We do not take our time to learn and study the jihadist’s culture that breads this kind of thinking. I strongly suggest that we carefully study the jihadists school of taught. This may teach us how to communicate on a level that they can relate to. In past crises, negotiations were an inevitable process after the dust settled. Someone always came up with some plan and hope of reconciliation. This time the crisis is different. Iran doesn’t know from road maps, and commitments made by world, Palestinian, and Israeli leaders. The jihadists who are driving this crisis don’t know what reconciliation means. The irony is that Israel is capable to completely destroy the enemy, but never fathomed the thought. Israel? We are above the violence, Kiss goodbye to nice guys; we must wake up and properly assess the problem at hand. We are making a Category Error. In philosophy, Category Error is the term for having stated or defined a problem so poorly that it becomes impossible to solve the problem, through dialectic or any other means. Israel and the USA made this error by failing to recognize what kind of mentality and desired end result the Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran were seeking. We thought they wanted the “occupied lands” back – they want the total destruction of Israel and the USA.

	The USA made a bet in the war in Iraq. After 9/11 the USA found out that the old way of dealing with the Arab/Muslim world does not work. We bet our future that democracy will ferment in Iraq. The Arab and Muslim population has no hope for the future, they have no jobs, they have no security and safety in their lives. The Arabs and Muslims rely on the feeling of belonging to fringe groups “jihadists” that appear to stand up to the made up enemies – Israel and the USA. The reality is far from this; instead of the “jihadists” helping the Arab Muslim street, in reality they make them dependant on them while orchestrating there demise.

This time appeasement caught up to us, once again. History repeats itself, and we are too oblivious to it until a Pearl Harbor, or a 9-11, or missiles hitting Israeli cities on a daily basis. Kiss goodbye to all the rules of the game of the past crises, and conventional ways of academic thinking. The jihadists rewrote the rules and for now we must play by there rules. What went wrong with the Muslim and the Arab Street? These Fascist governments are hiding behind the jihadist’s version of the Muslim religion? But the name Islam means peace? NO - “the ‘peace’ in ‘Islam’ means ‘Submission.’ It is not the Germans that invented the yellow Jewish star to identify Jews in World War 2. The Arabs used the star way before the Germans when they occupied lands. Kiss goodbye to the fascinating chess match known as the Middle East peace process. This fancy chess game was played with smart and moderate Arab intellectuals capable of clear thinking. The Arab intellectuals still exist but for now they are as much the victims as the Israeli public. Kiss goodbye to the opinion of the silent majority of the Arab and Muslim street, because they are no longer in charge. Until they take the same gamble that the USA took in Iraq, they will keep going down in the worlds hierarchy of those that control there destiny. Iran performed a hostile takeover of the Arab-Israeli dispute, using there terrorist partners. Iran and the Islamists believe G-D is on there side, so they should take advantage of the current world situation. Islamists see they pushed the Russians out of Afghanistan, the Americans out of Lebanon, the Israelis out of Lebanon and Gaza and they think they are almost done pushing America out of Iraq. For a long time Muslims and Arabs experienced humiliation in the hands of several successive world powers like the crusades, the English and the autumn Empire, the USA and Israel. Now they are ready to win. How long will it take the moderate Muslims to take control of the Hamas and Hezbollah? Mean while Kiss goodbye to peace and diplomacy. The new players have an affinity for communication through death. You can also kiss goodbye to the land-for-peace mentality. In the past the Palestinians with the major Arab states said that if Israel gave back the Gaza strip and the west bank there will be peace. If the USA gets out of the Middle East then the Muslims will leave us alone, if this and if that. Currently this crisis came upon us after Israel came out of Lebanon, and Gaza. What do the Islamists want? The last statement that Muhammad made was: "O Lord, perish the Jews and Christians. They made churches of the graves of their prophets. There shall be no two faiths in Arabia.’ (Hadith Malik 511:1588) In my opinion the jihadists Muslims are essentially violent. This time the parties are not governments of there people. They are jihadist’s organizations that grabbed control of power through terrorizing the same people they seek to protect. Hamas and Hezbollah designed kidnappings and missile launches to set off retaliation from Israel that would hurt Gazans and Lebanese. They attacked For the sake of jihad. A higher authority controls them while they dream of genocide of the Jews in his name. Israel moved to the center and the jihadists Muslims moved to the extreme. Will our children be forced to become Muslims or be killed by these people? Is Israel over reacting with too much power? Can or will the Muslim Arab moderates reign in these jihadists? Will this be the first time they are successful in doing so? Will Israel be able to beet the jihadists back? How many innocent Arabs and Muslims have to die in the name of jihad? This is not the main issue. While the Israelis want to disengage from this kind of violent behavior, the jihadists Muslims can’t seem to let the hatred go. The Israelis are removing all of the triggers of anger away, while the jihadists Muslims are rebuilding the triggers back up in an effort to continue the fight of jihad. With out a fight the Arab and Muslim street may turn on them after realizing that Islam as the Jihadists practice it is illogical. Most of the Arab world has turned over the control of this conflict to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and Bashar al-Assad of Syria, two tyrants and fascists dictators. The Arabs and moderate Muslims turned their destiny to anti freedom, anti democratic, no tolerance for any other religion, and no respect of any civilized values that most humans hold dear. ”Thucydides taught us more than twenty-four hundred years ago that all men’s behavior is guided by phobos, kerdos, and doxa,” - “Fear, self-interest, and honor.” And the reaction of the world to this; Israel is over reacting. With this kind of attitude, kiss goodbye to western civilization, and prepare for the peace in Islam - Submission. I am pro Israel and pro USA. However, I see my people are not perfect and are not totally with clean hands. I have an open mind, and refuse to join what some call the war with Islam. I value my strong friendships with my Arab and Muslim friends in Denver. Why is it that we get along in Denver but not in the Middle East? We are all G-D’s creations and I pray that humanity stop the global violent conflicts, and start focusing our efforts towards the positive evolution of our peaceful nature.

