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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
/* Don't display some stuff on the main page */
body.page-Main_Page #deleteconfirm,
body.page-Main_Page #t-cite,
body.page-Main_Page #lastmod,
body.action-view.page-Main_Page #siteSub,
body.action-view.page-Main_Page #contentSub,
body.action-view.page-Main_Page h1.firstHeading {
    display: none !important;
/* Jacob Gotts, 2016 June 9
   What follows is my completely hoopty attempt to darken Wikipedia through CSS
   (as opposed to browser extensions that mess up images). 
   I have no idea what I'm doing. Most of what is here has been gleaned from
   and brute force trial/error.

#column-one {
	padding-top: 20px;

#siteNotice {
    margin-top: 5px;
    margin-bottom: -.5em;
#mw-dismissable-notice {
    background: transparent;

.mw-footer {
    color: #586e75;   /* Added 9 June 2016 */ /* Solarized 18 September 2020 */
    background-color: #001A20;     /* Set phasers to OBNOXIOUS */

   Make content area light blue in all namespaces except articles (main namespace). 
   This is done by setting the background color for all #content areas 
   to light blue, and then overriding it back to white for any #content 
   enclosed in a .ns-0 (main namespace). We do the same for the "tab" 
   backgrounds and some other objects. */

/* don't use any logo, move the boxes onto that area instead */
#p-logo { display: none }

.pBody {
	background-color: #001A20;
    padding-top: 0;
    width: 70%;
	font-size: 7pt

#navbox a,
#navbox li a,
.navbox a,
.navbox li a,
#navbox-title, 			/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#navbox-title a,
#navbox-title li a,
.navbox-title a,
.navbox-title li a		/* End of voodoo block */
#codeEditor-status, 	/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#codeEditor-status a,
#codeEditor-status li a,
.codeEditor-status a,
.codeEditor-status li a, /* End of voodoo block */
#mbox-text, 	/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#mbox-text a,
#mbox-text li a,
.mbox-text a,
.mbox-text li a, /* End of voodoo block */
#notice, 	/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#notice a,
#notice li a,
.notice a,
.notice li a /* End of voodoo block */

	color: black;
/* I don't think these did anything?
a.navbox:link { color: blue; }
a.navbox:visited { color: purple; }
a.navbox.new:link { color: red; }
a.new:visited { color: purple; }
a.extiw:link { color: #3366bb; }
a.extiw:visited { color: #3366bb; }

 	background-color: #93a1a1;
 	border: 1px #586e75;
/*  Following section nukes the sidebar elements */

/* div#p-navigation,
div#p-coll-print_export {
	display: none
} */
These don't do anything.
I'm keeping them here purely to demonstrate this fact to myself,
lest I attempt to do something similar in the future.
#editOptions li a{
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC; 
#editOptions {
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC;
.editOptions li a {
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC; 

/* left aligns entire thing */
/* takes up that stupid gutter from when the left box is resized
-- me 2020 09 18 */
 .mw-body{ margin-left: 124px;} 

graveyard of things that didn't work:

.nowraplinks li a,
#nowraplinks li a

@media print {
    div#content {
        background: white;
    } /* White background on print */

/* Category lists and diffs transparent instead of white. */
#mw-subcategories table,
#mw-pages table,
td.diff-ntitle {
    background-color: transparent;


/* Talk page tab "+" / "new section". 
   Sets the same padding as the other tabs have. */
div#p-cactions #ca-addsection a {
    padding-left: .8em;
    padding-right: .8em;

/* Block quotations */
div#content blockquote {
    font-size: 93.75%;  /* equivalent of 15px in 16px default */
    margin: 1em 1.6em;  /* same indent as an unordered list */
div#content blockquote p {
    line-height: inherit;

/* Display "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" */
#siteSub {
    display: none;

/* div#footer #lastmod,
div#footer #copyright {
    display: none;
} */

/* TOC margin in articles (and article previews) */
.ns-0 #wikiPreview > table#toc,
.ns-0 #bodyContent > table#toc {
    margin-top: .5em;

/* Class styles */

/* .toccolours added here because version in 
   monobook/main.css wasn't being used by the print style */
.toccolours { 
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    background-color: #001A20;
    color: #FFFFCC;
    padding: 5px;
    font-size: 95%;

/* Don't underline links in portlets/specialchars even with pref "Underline links:Always" */
/* All the crap that goes underneath the edit box */
.portlet a,
.portlet a:hover,
#editpage-specialchars a,
#editpage-specialchars a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;

.portlet a,
.portlet a:hover,
#editpage-specialchars a,
#editpage-specialchars a:hover 
#editpage-specialchars li a,
#editpage-specialchars li {
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC; 

/* Position coordinates */
#coordinates {  
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1;
    border: none;
    background: none;
    right: 0;
    top: 3.7em;
    float: right;
    margin: 0em;
    padding: 0em;
    padding-right: 30px;
    line-height: 1.5em;
    text-align: right;
    text-indent: 0;
    font-size: 85%;
    text-transform: none;
    white-space: nowrap;

/* FR topicon position */
div.flaggedrevs_short {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 10;
    top: 10px;
    right: 110px;

.ve-ce-surface #coordinates {
    top: 0;
    padding: 0;

/*  |     actual meat and potatoes of this stylesheet,  */
/*  V           which changes the colors of everything  */

.ns-0 div#p-cactions li a { background-color: #001A20; }
body { background: #001A20; }

div#content h1,
div#content h2,
div#content h3,
div#content h4,
div#content h5,
div#content h6,
div#p-cactions li a:hover,
div#p-cactions li a,
div#p-cactions li.selected a
div#content div.thumb,
#column-one li a,
.ns-0 div#content,
.ns-0 div#p-cactions li a:hover,
.ns-0 div#p-cactions li a,
.ns-0 div#p-cactions li.selected a, 
.ns-0 div#content div.thumb,
div#p-cactions, /* will it blend? */
#catlinks, 	/* One of these six lines? */
#catlinks a,
#catlinks li a,
.catlinks a,
.catlinks li a /* End of voodoo block */

/* Solarized colors:

001115: 192 / 100 / 4
001A20: 192 / 100 / 6	
001A20: 192 / 100 / 8
001A20: 192 / 100 / 11
base03 	#001A20	0 	43 	54 	193	100	21	15	-12	-12	8/4 	brblack 	234	#1c1c1c
base02 	#073642	7 	54 	66 	192	90 	26	20	-12	-12	0/4 	black 	235	#262626
base01 	#586e75	88 	110	117	194	25 	46	45	-07	-07	10/7	brgreen 	240	#585858
base00 	#657b83	101	123	131	195	23 	51	50	-07	-07	11/7	bryellow 	241	#626262
base0 	#839496	131	148	150	186	13 	59	60	-06	-03	12/6	brblue 	244	#808080
base1 	#93a1a1	147	161	161	180	9 	63	65	-05	-02	14/4	brcyan 	245	#8a8a8a
base2 	#eee8d5	238	232	213	44 	11 	93	92	-00	10 	7/7 	white 	254	#e4e4e4
base3 	#fdf6e3	253	246	227	44 	10 	99	97	00 	10 	15/7	brwhite 	230	#ffffd7
yellow 	#b58900	181	137	0 	45 	100	71	60	10 	65 	3/3 	yellow 	136	#af8700
orange 	#cb4b16	203	75 	22 	18 	89 	80	50	50 	55 	9/3 	brred 	166	#d75f00
red 	#dc322f	220	50 	47 	1 	79 	86	50	65 	45 	1/1 	red 	160	#d70000
magenta	#d33682	211	54 	130	331	74 	83	50	65 	-05	5/5 	magenta 	125	#af005f
violet 	#6c71c4	108	113	196	237	45 	77	50	15 	-45	13/5	brmagenta	61 	#5f5faf
blue 	#268bd2	38 	139	210	205	82 	82	55	-10	-45	4/4 	blue 	33 	#0087ff
cyan 	#2aa198	42 	161	152	175	74 	63	60	-35	-05	6/6 	cyan 	37 	#00afaf
green 	#859900	133	153	0 	68 	100	60	60	-20	65 	2/2 	green 	64 	#5f8700

    color: #586e75;   /* Added 9 June 2016 */ /* Solarized 18 September 2020 */
    background-color: #001A20;     /* Set phasers to OBNOXIOUS */

/* old link color was CCFF99 and visited was 99CC66. looked nice but blah */
/* sept 18 2020: link was 99CC66, visited was 669966 */

a:link { color: #b58900; }
a:visited { color: #859900; }
a.new:link { color: #d33682; }
a.new:visited { color: #dc322f; }
a.extiw:link { color: #3366bb; } /* links to other Wikipedias */
a.extiw:visited { color: #3366bb; }
a.external:link { color: #268bd2; } /* external links */
a.external:visited { color: #6c71c4; }
/* Don't display some stuff on the main page */
body.page-Main_Page #deleteconfirm,
body.page-Main_Page #t-cite,
body.page-Main_Page #lastmod,
body.action-view.page-Main_Page #siteSub,
body.action-view.page-Main_Page #contentSub,
body.action-view.page-Main_Page h1.firstHeading {
    display: none !important;
/* Jacob Gotts, 2016 June 9
   What follows is my completely hoopty attempt to darken Wikipedia through CSS
   (as opposed to browser extensions that mess up images). 
   I have no idea what I'm doing. Most of what is here has been gleaned from
   and brute force trial/error.

#siteNotice {
    margin-top: 5px;
    margin-bottom: -.5em;
#mw-dismissable-notice {
    background: transparent;

   Make content area light blue in all namespaces except articles (main namespace). 
   This is done by setting the background color for all #content areas 
   to light blue, and then overriding it back to white for any #content 
   enclosed in a .ns-0 (main namespace). We do the same for the "tab" 
   backgrounds and some other objects. */

/* don't use any logo, move the boxes onto that area instead */
#p-logo { display: none }

#navbox a,
#navbox li a,
.navbox a,
.navbox li a,
#navbox-title, 			/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#navbox-title a,
#navbox-title li a,
.navbox-title a,
.navbox-title li a		/* End of voodoo block */
#codeEditor-status, 	/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#codeEditor-status a,
#codeEditor-status li a,
.codeEditor-status a,
.codeEditor-status li a, /* End of voodoo block */
#mbox-text, 	/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#mbox-text a,
#mbox-text li a,
.mbox-text a,
.mbox-text li a, /* End of voodoo block */
#notice, 	/* One of these six lines works but I don't care enough to figure out which one */
#notice a,
#notice li a,
.notice a,
.notice li a /* End of voodoo block */

	color: black;
/* I don't think these did anything?
a.navbox:link { color: blue; }
a.navbox:visited { color: purple; }
a.navbox.new:link { color: red; }
a.new:visited { color: purple; }
a.extiw:link { color: #3366bb; }
a.extiw:visited { color: #3366bb; }

/*  Following section nukes the sidebar elements */

/* div#p-navigation,
div#p-coll-print_export {
	display: none
} */

These don't do anything.
I'm keeping them here purely to demonstrate this fact to myself,
lest I attempt to do something similar in the future.
#editOptions li a{
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC; 
#editOptions {
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC;
.editOptions li a {
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC; 

/* left aligns entire thing */
/* .mw-body{margin-left: 0;}  */

graveyard of things that didn't work:

.nowraplinks li a,
#nowraplinks li a

@media print {
    div#content {
        background: white;
    } /* White background on print */

/* Category lists and diffs transparent instead of white. */
#mw-subcategories table,
#mw-pages table,
td.diff-ntitle {
    background-color: transparent;


/* Talk page tab "+" / "new section". 
   Sets the same padding as the other tabs have. */
div#p-cactions #ca-addsection a {
    padding-left: .8em;
    padding-right: .8em;

/* Block quotations */
div#content blockquote {
    font-size: 93.75%;  /* equivalent of 15px in 16px default */
    margin: 1em 1.6em;  /* same indent as an unordered list */
div#content blockquote p {
    line-height: inherit;

/* Display "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" */
#siteSub {
    display: none;

/* div#footer #lastmod,
div#footer #copyright {
    display: none;
} */

/* TOC margin in articles (and article previews) */
.ns-0 #wikiPreview > table#toc,
.ns-0 #bodyContent > table#toc {
    margin-top: .5em;

/* Class styles */

/* .toccolours added here because version in 
   monobook/main.css wasn't being used by the print style */
.toccolours { 
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    background-color: #001A20;
    color: #FFFFCC;
    padding: 5px;
    font-size: 95%;

/* Don't underline links in portlets/specialchars even with pref "Underline links:Always" */
/* All the crap that goes underneath the edit box */
.portlet a,
.portlet a:hover,
#editpage-specialchars a,
#editpage-specialchars a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;

.portlet a,
.portlet a:hover,
#editpage-specialchars a,
#editpage-specialchars a:hover 
#editpage-specialchars li a,
#editpage-specialchars li {
    background-color: #001A20; 
    color: #FFFFCC; 

/* Position coordinates */
#coordinates {  
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1;
    border: none;
    background: none;
    right: 0;
    top: 3.7em;
    float: right;
    margin: 0em;
    padding: 0em;
    padding-right: 30px;
    line-height: 1.5em;
    text-align: right;
    text-indent: 0;
    font-size: 85%;
    text-transform: none;
    white-space: nowrap;

/* FR topicon position */
div.flaggedrevs_short {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 10;
    top: 10px;
    right: 110px;

.ve-ce-surface #coordinates {
    top: 0;
    padding: 0;

/*  |     actual meat and potatoes of this stylesheet,  */
/*  V           which changes the colors of everything  */

.ns-0 div#p-cactions li a { background-color: #001A20; }
body { background: #001A20; }

div#content h1,
div#content h2,
div#content h3,
div#content h4,
div#content h5,
div#content h6,
div#p-cactions li a:hover,
div#p-cactions li a,
div#p-cactions li.selected a
div#content div.thumb,
#column-one li a,
.ns-0 div#content,
.ns-0 div#p-cactions li a:hover,
.ns-0 div#p-cactions li a,
.ns-0 div#p-cactions li.selected a, 
.ns-0 div#content div.thumb,
div#p-cactions, /* will it blend? */
#catlinks, 	/* One of these six lines? */
#catlinks a,
#catlinks li a,
.catlinks a,
.catlinks li a /* End of voodoo block */

/* Solarized colors:

001115: 192 / 100 / 4
001A20: 192 / 100 / 6	
001A20: 192 / 100 / 8
001A20: 192 / 100 / 11
base03 	#001A20	0 	43 	54 	193	100	21	15	-12	-12	8/4 	brblack 	234	#1c1c1c
base02 	#073642	7 	54 	66 	192	90 	26	20	-12	-12	0/4 	black 	235	#262626
base01 	#586e75	88 	110	117	194	25 	46	45	-07	-07	10/7	brgreen 	240	#585858
base00 	#657b83	101	123	131	195	23 	51	50	-07	-07	11/7	bryellow 	241	#626262
base0 	#839496	131	148	150	186	13 	59	60	-06	-03	12/6	brblue 	244	#808080
base1 	#93a1a1	147	161	161	180	9 	63	65	-05	-02	14/4	brcyan 	245	#8a8a8a
base2 	#eee8d5	238	232	213	44 	11 	93	92	-00	10 	7/7 	white 	254	#e4e4e4
base3 	#fdf6e3	253	246	227	44 	10 	99	97	00 	10 	15/7	brwhite 	230	#ffffd7
yellow 	#b58900	181	137	0 	45 	100	71	60	10 	65 	3/3 	yellow 	136	#af8700
orange 	#cb4b16	203	75 	22 	18 	89 	80	50	50 	55 	9/3 	brred 	166	#d75f00
red 	#dc322f	220	50 	47 	1 	79 	86	50	65 	45 	1/1 	red 	160	#d70000
magenta	#d33682	211	54 	130	331	74 	83	50	65 	-05	5/5 	magenta 	125	#af005f
violet 	#6c71c4	108	113	196	237	45 	77	50	15 	-45	13/5	brmagenta	61 	#5f5faf
blue 	#268bd2	38 	139	210	205	82 	82	55	-10	-45	4/4 	blue 	33 	#0087ff
cyan 	#2aa198	42 	161	152	175	74 	63	60	-35	-05	6/6 	cyan 	37 	#00afaf
green 	#859900	133	153	0 	68 	100	60	60	-20	65 	2/2 	green 	64 	#5f8700

    color: #586e75;   /* Added 9 June 2016 */ /* Solarized 18 September 2020 */
    background-color: #001A20;     /* Set phasers to OBNOXIOUS */

/* old link color was CCFF99 and visited was 99CC66. looked nice but blah */
/* sept 18 2020: link was 99CC66, visited was 669966 */

a:link { color: #859900; }
a:visited { color: #425910; }
a.new:link { color: #dc322f; }
a.new:visited { color: #6d2527; }
a.extiw:link { color: #2aa198; } /* links to other Wikipedias */
a.extiw:visited { color: #145d5b; }
a.external:link { color: #268bd2; } /* external links */
a.external:visited { color: #6c71c4; }