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Casa Rosell, which hosted the Acció and POUM offices, currently a hotel
PublisherIberian Communist Youth
Founded1 October 1936 (1936-10-01)
Political alignmentMarxism
LanguageCatalan language, Spanish language
Ceased publication1937
OCLC number781772762

Acció ('Action') was a weekly newspaper published from Tarragona, Spain 1936–1937.[1][2] It was the local organ of the Iberian Communist Youth (JCI), the youth wing of POUM.[3][4] The first issue was published on 1 October 1936.[1] Ricard Garriga Salvadó was the director of Acció.[1][5] When Garriga was sent to the front, Josep Vilar took over as director of the newspaper.[1] The offices of the newspaper were located inside the POUM-JCI office in downtown Tarragona (Casa Rosell, which had hosted the CEDA office before the war), at Rambla 14 Abril on the corner with Carrer de Girona.[1][6] The newspaper was printed at Suc de Torres & Virgili.[1]

Acció was a bilingual publication.[1] The issues of Acció carried four pages.[1] The format was 503 x 350 mm.[1] It was sold at 15 céntimos per issue.[1]

Acció disappeared after the events of May 1937.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Josep-P Virgili i Sanromà; Joan Vidal i Alcover (1982). Tarragona i la seva premsa. Hemeroteca de la Caixa d'Estalvis Provincia. p. 16.
  2. ^ Reiner Tosstorff (1987). Die POUM im spanischen Bürgerkrieg. isp-Verlag. p. 158. ISBN 978-3-88332-125-7.
  3. ^ Wilebaldo Solano (1 January 1999). El POUM en la historia: Andreu Nin y la revolución española. Los Libros de la Catarata. p. 59. ISBN 978-84-8319-059-3.
  4. ^ Joan Torrent; Rafael Tasis i Marca (1966). Història de la Premsa Catalana. Bruguera. p. 291.
  5. ^ María Teresa Martínez de Sas; Pelai Pagès (2000). Diccionari biogràfic del moviment obrer als Països Catalans. L'Abadia de Montserrat. p. 648. ISBN 978-84-8415-243-9.
  6. ^ Lluís de Salvador i Andrés (2005). Tarragona sota les bombes: crónica d'una societat en guerra (1936-1939). Cossetània Edicions. p. 94. ISBN 978-84-9791-145-0.