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I am submitting a fact that I believe needs to be added to the movement Full Gospel. My late pastor and Apostle Lobias Murray was given the name from his brother-in-law, the late Bro. Heard the name of their small beginning church in Dallas, Texas "Full Gospel". As my late pastor/Apostle Lobias Murray was an humble man and would not care who gets credit for the movement of "Full Gospel" but me being the person I am like the truth. The truth is Apostle Lobias Murray who came from Henderson, Texas in 1953 with only $10.00, a wife and two small children and an old, raggedy beat up old Ford car came to Dallas to find work to provide for his new family. If you go to the Full Gospel Holy Temple Church website www.fght.org, you can order a DVD about the life of this great man of God, Apostle Lobias Murray. His teachings was strictly holiness plus nothing. After much fasting and praying and prompted by a suggestion of his wife, Evangelist Dr. Shirley Murray, Apostle Lobias Murray began a ministry in 1963, in Dallas, Texas, in an renovated barbeque restaurant on Second Avenue. As I stated, his brother-in-law, who was married to Evang. Shirley Murray's sister, the late Sis. Beanie Hearn, one of six founding members, suggested the name for the newly founded church in 1963, "Full Gospel". My late beloved pastor passed this life into eternal rest December 23, 2011, at 7:00am, in his sleep at his home. The Chief Apostle Lobias Murray pastor this church he founded for Jesus Christ our Saviour for 50 Years. The church was moved from other locations under his leadership. First church as stated was an old renovated barbeque restaurant on Second Avenue. The second location was on Eighth Street in Dallas, Texas. The third location was on Fordham Road in Dallas, Texas. The fourth location was on 1900 South Ewing which was previously the Old Gospel Lighthouse Church. This is where I made my membership at on Ewing Avenue in Dallas, Texas. The fifth and current location which God bless my late pastor to build and edifice from the ground which is located at 39727 LBJ Freeway, in Dallas, Texas. So, thus the "Full Gospel movement should be rightly attributed to the late great Chief Apostle (in my eyesight) Apostle Lobias Murray. He pastored me for 26 years of my saved life in Christ Jesus. I thank God for all the preaching/teaching this great Man Of God taught me that gave me a solid foundation of truth and the exercising of the Full Gospel in my life.