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== I am Alex. ==

As well as having a job in the IT industry I contribute to the Internet with many of my own websites. I have a website listing Song Lyrics for #1 Hit Songs. This website currently has in excess of 300 song lyrics ranging from the year 1970 to 2008.

Search Engine Optimization is also a big topic up for discussion which is why I made a website full of articles and tools to show the best ways of Search Engine Optimization including how to optimize web pages and also how to obtain links and what sort should be obtained etc.
As a major part of Search Engine optimization includes link building, directories are great places to suggest your website to as well as other directories like DMOZ etc.

For those artistic people who love oil paintings or any general sort of art, a website was made displaying a gallery of oil paintings. The paintings can just be viewed on the website but people also have the option to purchase these Australian oil paintings. Most of the Gallery of Oil Paintings depicts Australian landscapes.