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Majin Buu is the evil creation of Babi di. He is perhaps the most interesting of all villains in Dragon Ball Z. Not only is he the most powerful and indestructable villain, but his personalities also seemed boundless.

Buu is capable of absorbing his enemies and their powers as well. He absorbs his enemies in two ways. The first way is transforming the target into a palatable item (such as chocolate - Buu's favorite) by his "antenna." The second method is by wrapping the target using a part of himself as a blanket and pulling the victim into his body. Every time he absorbs an enemy, his appearance will also mutate, resembling the look of that enemy.

Buu first showed himself as fat and goofy-looking. The reason why Buu looks fat and goofy is because he had previously engulfed a kaiwongshin with such figure.

Buu's encounter with Mr. Satan was the most interesting. Mr. Satan revealed the "good" side of Buu which we never thought Buu had. Mr. Satan even convinced Buu never to commit any evil deeds again. Unfortunately, the "evil" in him cannot be contained. The "evil" was unleashed when Buu was angered by the near fatal shooting of Mr. Satan. The "evil" Buu splits from the "good" Buu. The "evil" Buu easily defeated and re-absorbed the "good" Buu demonstrating that there is really more "evil" than "good" in Buu. The absorbtion transformed Buu into a purely evil entity.

We do not see the "original" appearance until the combined Vegeto infiltrated the body of Buu and plucked out everyone he has absorbed, including "good" Buu, also dramatically reducing his power. Nevertheless, he still has enough power to destroy earth, and does so.

Majin Buu:

Attacks: (from all forms) : Bukujutsu, Chonoryoku, Chou Bakurestu Ma Ha, Dai Kaiten Kick, Dynamite Kick, Energy Dan, Kousengan , Galactica Donut, Gekitotsu Ultra Buu Buu Volley Ball , Jigen ni Ana o Akeru, Kaifuku, Kakusanyudokodan, Kamehameha, Kyodaika, Kyushyu, Makankosappo, Masenko, Miracle Super Punch, Power Tackle, Sai Sei, Renzoku Kikou Ha, Renzoku Shine Shine Missile, Renzoku Senkoudan, Rolling Thunder Punch, Shogekiha, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Tsuihidan, Ultra Missile Punch, Wild Boar Attack, Udebunriogeki.

Zanzoken Forms: Fat Buu, Mr. Buu (good), Thin Buu (evil), Super Buu, Kid Buu (True Buu).

For millions of years he was the most powerful being in the universe, destroying entire galaxies with a small fraction of his power. However, before his power could be released on the earth, the Western Kaioshin managed to destroy Bibidi and seal Majin Buu in an egg-like chamber, allowing him to remain dormant under the earth's surface for thousands of years. Until, the son of Bibidi surfaces. Babidi, a wizard much more powerful than Bibidi, and much eviler, he arrives on earth and, utilizing his ability to control the minds of those with evil in their hearts, sends two of his men to the Tenkaichi Boudokai where they manage to absorb Gohan's energy. Soon enough, the Western Kaioshin and his assistant, Kibit, reaveal themselves to the Z Fighters (the Supreme Kai and Kibito to you dub fans). They follow the two henchmen to Babidi's ship, where the demon king Dabura turns Picoro and Kururin to stone, tricking the Z-fighters into coming into the ship. Later, Babidi brings Vegita under his control, and the rebirth of Majin Buu follows soon after. In his first form, Buu is extremely fat and not very bright, but can still fight, and is still incredibly strong. He soon turns Dabura into a piece of chocolate (one of his powers) and eats him. He later turns on his master Babidi and punches his head off. He soon befriends Mr. Satan (Hercule to you edited dub fans) and releases the evil in his heart (Thin Buu) when Mr. Satan his shot. Luckily (yeah right) he heals Mr. Satan just in time. Unfortunately, in a later battle, Mr. Buu is turned into chocolate and eaten by Thin Buu, and through that combination, they become Super Buu, a smarter, taller, and much stronger version of Majin Buu. And he is just as evil. He soon manages to absorb Picoro, Gotenks (Goten and Trunks fused), and even Gohan! Gokou and Vegita fuse into Vegitto and let Buu absorb them so they can rescue the others. But in doing this, they cause Super Buu to revert back to his ultimate form, known as Kid Buu, since he is smaller than the other forms. He is not as strong as Super Buu, but since he is literally brainless, he has no emotion, no feeling of mercy or remorse. He is the ultimate fighter. He then procedes to blow up the earth, and defeats Vegita and all of the Z-Fighters in battle (on Western Kaioshin's planet) . In a last ditch effort, Gokou uses the energy of everyone on earth (the people are persuaded to let him use it by Mr. Satan. Wow he did something useful for once.) to create a gigantic Genki Dama (spirit bomb). Vegita, using the upgraded dragonballs, wishes for the earth to be restored, all the people killed by Buu to be brought back, and for Gokou's energy to be completely restored. Gokou's Genki Dama then completely overpowers Buu and Buu is destroyed. Years later, Gokou (who was brought back to life by Dai Rou Kaioshin, the elder Kaioshin) wishes Buu back to life, but Buu is brought back with the evil released from his body, and as a human. His name is Ubuu, and he is later trained by Gokou.