User:Diana Lysenko/Church of the Resurrection(Sumy)

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Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Sumy — Orthodox Cathedral (PCU) in the city of Sumy, the first city stone; a trisubna, triban, double-top church, which is a wonderful example of Cossack baroque.

The authentic appearance of the Church of the Resurrection has not been preserved, and the modern appearance of the church was acquired as a result of numerous reconstructions and restorations - the last significant - in the USSR in the 70s of XX century, now also some restoration work.

Church of the Resurrection is a three-log, triban building, which belongs to a particularly valuable type of church, which harmoniously combines traditional techniques and features of wooden and stone Ukrainian architecture.

The architectural and planning feature Church of the Resurrection is its two-tiered. The lower (warm, "winter") church was consecrated in the name of St. Andrew, heavenly patron Andrew Kondratiev, the upper - in the name of the Resurrection of Christ.

The church was not only a holy monastery, but also a defensive structure, as evidenced by the extremely rough walls (their thickness reaches 1.5 m) and deeply incised windows. The large basement had underground passages to the river Psel

The original bell tower of the temple was a tent. It was adjacent to the main volume of the church. The new, now separate detached temple bell tower was built in 1906 in the Baroque (Neo-Baroque) style.


Church of the Resurrection on a postage stamp

The Church of the Resurrection was built in the late XVII - early XVIII centuries at the expense of the first Sumy colonels Gerasim and Andrei Kondratiev. The temple was consecrated in 1702 - the date is traditionally considered the year of construction of the church.

The Church of the Resurrection was the first stone building in the city of Sumy.

The temple served as the tomb of the Kondratiev family. For some time he also performed the defensive functions common to stone buildings, including temples in Ukraine, in fact until the end of the XVIII century.

In Soviet times it was used as a warehouse for the production of the Regional Post Office. Later, the department of decorative and applied arts of the Sumy Art Museum was located in the church for a long time..

Significant restoration work on the Church of the Resurrection was carried out in the 1970s, as a result of which the church acquired its modern appearance.

After Ukraine gained independence (1991), the Church of the Resurrection, which was then in a state of disrepair (late 2000s), was the only church transferred to the religious community of the UOC-KP, the rest of the churches are new. The Church of the Resurrection is the Holy Resurrection Cathedral of the Sumy Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate.

In December 2002, the public of Sumy celebrated the 300th anniversary of this remarkable historical and architectural monument.


Many legends are connected with the history of the Holy Resurrection Cathedral.

According to one of them, the city's founder Gerasim Kondratiev had a sister, Maria, who had a temper. At that time, the city of Sumy suffered from the atrocities of a band of robbers who robbed residents of the city and its environs. In the end, the robbers were caught, but Maria, Gerasim Kondratiev's sister, turned out to be the ataman of the gang. At a family meeting, the powerful brother made a difficult but fair decision - to bury his sister in the walls of the then church.

In fact, during later surveys of the temple walls and dungeons, passages leading to the Psel River were found, as well as the remains of a woman's body.

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