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I'm a writer awaiting publication. Fantasy is the genre I want to write in, mostly. I also have this bad habit of occasionally trying to write...um...poetry.

I love music of many kinds. My favorite composers are Beethoven and Bach. There are only a few kinds that I vehemently dislike, among them rap, heavy metal and anything that is obnoxious and loud just for the sake of being obnoxious and loud.

My favorite artist is Sir John Everett Millais.

My husband is User:Harvestdancer.

Picture of the Day[edit]

Sedge warbler
The sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) is a passerine bird in the Acrocephalidae family, the reed warblers. It is a medium-sized warbler with a brown, streaked back and wings and a distinct pale supercilium. Sedge warblers are migratory, crossing the Sahara to get from their European and Asian breeding grounds to spend winter in Africa. The male's song is composed of chattering phrases and can include mimicry of other species. The species is mostly insectivorous. This sedge warbler was photographed in Otmoor RSPB reserve in Oxfordshire, England.Photograph credit: Charles J. Sharp

Articles I've Written[edit]

The Nutcracker and the Mouse King