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Category theory

  • When is a monoid, considered as a category with one object, a monoidal category?
    • When is it symmetric monoidal?
    • When is it closed monoidal?
  • Kelly claims that "the strict monoidal category of small endofunctors of a well-behaved large category such as Set" is a closed monoidal category that is not biclosed.
    • What is a small endofunctor?
    • What is the internal Hom functor in this case? Given endofunctors of Set we need a endofunctor such that .


  • Is the category of topological spaces a closed category with the compact-open topology on function spaces? For any suitable topology?
  • not every semiregular space is preregular. is every semiregular space an R0-space? counterexample?
  • minimal Hausdorff spaces need not be compact. do they imply any compactness properties? in particular, are minimal Hausdorff spaces locally compact?
  • is every KC space sober?
  • what spaces have the property: every compact subset is relatively compact
  • what spaces have the property: every relatively compact subset is compact
  • are subspaces of preregular spaces preregular?
  • explore and understand local topological properties
    • for every topological property P, define locally-P as follows: a space is locally-P iff every point has a local base of neighborhoods with property P.
    • when does P imply locally-P?
    • what properties are local in the sense that P = locally-P
    • if P => Q does locally-P => locally-Q?
    • more generally, when does the existence of a neighborhood with property P imply the existence of a neighborhood base with property P?
    • in particular, is this true if property P is inherited by all open subspaces.
    • define a locally preregular space. show that every preregular space is locally preregular, and show that the different variants of a local compactness all agree for locally preregular spaces.
    • is semi-regularity local? is every locally euclidean space semi-regular?
  • understand Kolmogorov quotients with respect to topological properties
    • given property P which implies T0, define Q as follows: a space X has property Q iff the Kolmogorov quotient of X has property P
    • given property Q which does not imply T0 define P as Q and T0.
    • is P = P’
    • is Q = Q’
    • if P1 => P2 does Q1 => Q2
    • if Q1 => Q2 does P1 => P2
    • how does locality interact with Kolmogorov quotients
  • understand the contravariant adjunction between real algebras and topological spaces (mapping spaces to their algebra of real-valued continuous functions , and mapping algebras to their real dual spaces with the topology of pointwise convergence)
    • the algebraic unit is injective iff the algebra is geometric. under what conditions is it surjective?
    • show that the set of fixed homomorphisms (those whose kernel has a nonempty zero set) is dense
    • show that the topology on agrees with that induced by the zariski topology
  • the Zariski topology on the spectrum of a ring
    • why is it compact?
    • is maxSpec(R) compact? (yes)
    • is maxSpec(R) closed or open in Spec(R)? (typically neither)
    • show that a subset X of Spec(R) is compact if every free ideal wrt X is finitely-generated
    • characterize the irreducible closed sets in Spec(R)
    • when is maxSpec Hausdorff? Tychonoff?

Topological groups

  • is a separable, Lindelöf topological group necessarily second-countable?
  • is the category of uniform groups (i.e. a group object in the category of uniform spaces) equivalent to the category of balanced groups?
  • is the Kolmogorov quotient a left adjoint to the inclusion functor ?
  • does left uniform separation of sets imply right uniform separation, and vice versa?
  • if is a closed subgroup of , is a (locally trivial) principal H-bundle?
    • when is this bundle trivial?
    • same questions in the smooth category for Lie groups
    • See: [1]