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Combinations of vowel letters


To reduce dialectal difficulties, the sound values given here correspond to the conventions at Wikipedia:IPA for English.

Spelling Major value
Examples of major value Minor values
Examples of minor value Exceptions
a before multiple
consonants or in
word-final syllables
/æ/ cat, acrobat, banned (band) /iː/ karaoke (karáoke)
/eɪ/ bass (báss)
/ɑː/ father, grant, after
a...e /eɪ/ violate (violát), grace (gráç)
a before single
non-word-final syllables)
/eɪ/ dating (dáting), lumbago (lumbágó) /ɛ/
many, any
a (unstressed syllables) /ə/ another, about
aa /ɑː/ baa /eɪ/ quaalude
ae /iː/ encyclopaedia /ɛ/ aesthetic /eɪ/ reggae
/aɪ/ maestro
ai, ai...e /eɪ/ bait, cocaine (cocain) /æ/ plaid
/ɪ/ bargain
/ɛ/ said
/aɪ/ shanghaied (shanghaid)
ao /eɪ/ gaol (gáol)
au /ɔː/ taut, author /eɪ/ gauge (gáuǧ)
/oʊ/ mauve (mauv)
/ɔ/ sausage (sausaǧ)
aw /ɔː/ jaw
ay, aye /eɪ/ day /aɪ/ kayak, aye (ay) /iː/ quay
/ɛ/ says
e before single
non-word-final syllables)
/iː/ receding (recéding) /eɪ/ ukelele, cafe
e before multiple
consonants or in
word-final syllables
/ɛ/ get, better /ɪ/ pretty
word-final e /iː/ be, he
e...e /iː/ cede (céd), gene (gén) /eɪ/ crepe (crep)
ea /iː/ beach, eating /ɛ/ bread, healthy /eɪ/ great
ea...e /iː/ please (pleas) /ɛ/ cleanse (cleans)
eau /oʊ/ beau /ɔ/ bureaucracy
ee /iː/ bee, feed /eɪ/ matinee
ei, ei...e /eɪ/ eight, veil /iː/
deceive (deceiv), seize (seiz)
heist, height
/ɪ/ counterfeit
/ɛ/ heifer
eo /ɛ/ leopard, jeopardy /iː/ people /oʊ/ yeoman
/ɪə/ leotard
ew /juː/ dew /oʊ/ sew
ey /eɪ/ grey, obey /iː/ key, geyser, Ceylon
eye /aɪ/ eye (ey)
i before single
non-word-final syllables)
/aɪ/ shining (shíning) /æ/ meringue
i before multiple
consonants or in
word-final syllables
/ɪ/ bit, hitting
word-final i /iː/ ski
i...e /aɪ/ shine (shín), guide (guíd) /iː/ machine (machín(
/ɪ/ give (giv), medicine (medicin)
ie /aɪ/ die (dy), tie (ty) /iː/ field /ɪ/ sieve (siv)
/ɛ/ friend (frend)
ie...e /iː/ hygiene (hygien)
ieu /juː/ lieu, adieu
o before multiple
consonants or in
word-final syllables
/ɔ/ dot /ʌ/ son /ʊ/ wolf
o before single
non-word-final syllables)
/oʊ/ omen (ómen), potent (pótent) /ɒ/ body /ɪ/ women
word-final o /oʊ/ banjo, go /uː/ to, who, two
o...e /oʊ/ doze (dóz) /uː/ move (móv), lose (lós) /ʌ/ come (com)
oa /oʊ/ boat /ɔː/ broad
oe /oʊ/ toe (tó), foe (fó) /iː/
shoe (shó), canoe (canó)
/ʌ/ does (dos)
/ɪ/ oedema
/ɛ/ foetid
oeu /uː/ manoeuvre (manúver)
oi /waɪ/ choir (choír)
oo before k,d /ʊ/ look, wood /uː/ spook
oo elsewhere /uː/ tool /ʌ/ blood /oʊ/ brooch
ou /aʊ/ out /uː/ soup, you, through /ʊ/ courier (curier), should (shuld)
/oʊ/ soul
/ʌ/ touch, enough
/ɔ/ cough
ow /aʊ/ cow /oʊ/ yellow, know, rainbow
u before multiple
consonants or in
word-final syllables
/ʌ/ butter, dump /ʊ/ put, full
u before single
non-word-final syllables)
/uː/ luminous (lúminos) /ɪ/ busy
/ɛ/ bury
u...e /juː/ or /uː/ flute (flút)
ue /uː/ blue (blu)
ui /uː/ fruit (frút) /ɪ/ build (bild)
uy, uye /aɪ/ buy, guyed (guyd)
y /ɪ/ myth, cryptic /ə/ beryl
-y /iː/ city, happy
y...e /aɪ/ type (týp)
-ye /aɪ/ bye (bý)