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NanoDragon is a CubeSat built by the Vietnam National Satellite Center (VNSC). NanoDragon will use its automatic identification system (AIS) receiver to prevent and will also test the accuracy of its attitude control using It carries an advanced OBC (on board computer) developed by Japan's Meisei Electric.

NanoDragon will be launched by Epsilon rocket on 8 October 2021.


  • Size: 10 cm x 10 cm x 34 cm (3U CubeSat)
  • Mass: 4 kg
  • Payload: AIS receiver and optical camera

See also


Whale Ecology Observation Satellite観太くん

EQUULEUS (EQUillibriUm LE point 6U Spacecraft) is a 6U CubeSat to demonstrate low-energy trajectory control techniques and conduct a variety of scientific observations. The project is led by the University of Tokyo Intelligent Space Systems Laboratory (ISSL) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). EQUULEUS will be launched in 2019 as a secondary payload on the Space Launch System's maiden flight, Exploration Mission 1. After arriving at the Earth–Moon L2 Lagrangian point, the spacecraft will observe the plasma surrounding Earth, along with transient lunar phenomenon caused by micrometeorite impacts.[1][2]

Boomerang satellite


One potential application of the aerodynamic umbrella demonstrated by Orizuru was the boomerang satellite (ブーメラン衛星), a companion satellite for the Japanese Experiment Module studied by NAL from the late 1980s. Large structures such as the International Space Station have residual and perturbative vibrations, or gravity jitter (g-jitter) generated from life support systems and crew activity.[3] These g-jitters may compromise experiments requiring a environment with a high level of microgravity, such as studies on semiconductor crystal growth.[3] The boomerang satellite was a spacecraft with a simple structure for conducting delicate experiments requiring a microgravity environment better than those available on a manned spacecraft. It was envisioned as a small microgravity laboratory complementing the space station. Experiments that are unacceptable from a safety standpoint, such as those producing hazardous gases may have also been preformed by the boomerang satellite.[4] After completion of the experiments, the boomerang satellite would deploy an aerodynamic brake system based on Orizuru's umbrella.[5][6] At the altitude of the space station, the low-density atmosphere present can be utilized to produce aerodynamic force.[7] By calculating the effects of passive drag, and using the aerodynamic umbrella to control its trajectory, it can return to the space station.[3] The spacecraft owed its name to its ability to fly back near its ejected point, just like a boomerang.[7] It will come to within a few meters from the space station and with a relative velocity of 5–10 cm (0.16–0.33 ft), at which point it will dock to the station following capture by manipulators. At the station, a payload canister containing fragile cargo will be retrieved, and replaced with a new canister.[8] The spacecraft will then depart for another flight, and after completing its mission it will again fly a passive trajectory back to the station. As the spacecraft employs an aerodynamic brake for maneuvering, it can be reused multiple times without any need to refuel at the station.

Concepts for a larger, man-tended free flyer existed, however the spacecraft's own structure, such as solar cells would still create g-jitters.[3] In order to conduct microgravity experiments on such satellites, the use of magnetically suspended multiple degree-of-freedom (DoF)-type micro gravity isolators was proposed to isolate the experiments from vibrations.[6] NAL also conducted studies of an alternative to the boomerang satellite, called the tether satellite. It was to be connected to the Japanese Experiment Module with a tether, and operate 100 to 250 meters away from the space station. The tether was to be used to attenuate the g-jitter from the station, as well as for spacecraft retrieval by reeling it from the station.[7] When compared to the Tether satellite, the Boomerang satellite had the advantage of completely cutting off the shocks and vibrations from the station.[7][3] [8] [4] [5] [6]



EQUULEUS cubesat jointly developed by JAXA and the University of Tokyo will be launched as a secondary payload on SLS EM-1. NASA called on international partners to propose ISSL developed the PROCYON deep space probe, which was launched as a piggyback payload to JAXA's Hayabusa 2 asteroid sample return spacecraft. On 27 May 2016 NASA announced that EQUULEUS, along with JAXA's OMOTENASHI lunar lander was selected to fly on EM-1.[1] A JAXA official described the two missions as a wonderful opportunity to go near the moon together with Orion.[9] The EQUULEUS project consists from a consortium of research institutes, including JAXA, Nihon University, and the University of Electro-Communications. Development started in the summer of 2016, and the flight model is to be completed by early 2018.[10] The EQUULEUS project is lead by Ryu Funase from the University of Tokyo.[11] [12][13][14]


Scientific objective


Along with its technology demonstration mission EQUULEUS has a scientific observation mission, such as understanding the radiation environment near Earth and to get a hold of how minor objects in the cis-lunar environment are distributed. The PHOENIX instrument is a an extreme ultraviolet telescope for picturing Earth's plasmasphere. The telescope's mirror is optimized to reflect the emission line of helium ions.[20] Taking advantage of its distance from Earth, it can image the entire plasmasphere. PHOENIX will be the first attempt ever made to observe EUV rays emitted from plasma in outer space with a subminiaturized telescope.[21] PHOENIX's capabilities can complement JAXA's Arase satellite launched in December 2016.[10] With plasma visualization and studying the dynamics of fluctuations in the plasmasphere, it may lead to insights in future planetary exploration technologies.[10] DELPHINUS, or DLP, for short is an optical camera for observing lunar impact flash events. The instrument also has a capability to observe near-Earth objects and potential 'mini-moons'. Theoretically, NEOs approaching Earth can be briefly caught within Earth's gravity well, and although the object from an observer on Earth, it will move as if it is an moon. One example of such an object is 2006 RH120, which orbited Earth between 2006 and 2007. If a mini-moon or NEO that can be rendezvoused by EQUULEUS is identified, the CubeSat will attempt a flyby. The spacecraft is equipped with a membrane-type sensor, CLOTH to monitor the size and distribution of dust particles in the cis-Lunar region. The sensor is innovative in that it uses the spacecraft's multi-layer insulation (MLI) as a detecter, thus realizing a dust counter suitable for mass-constrained CubeSats.[22] It will be the first instrument to measure the dust environment of the Earth–Moon L2 Lagrangian point, and aims to uncover the dust's origin, as well as conducting risk assessment of the L2 point dust particles in anticipation of a future manned mission.[22] CLOTH will decipher L2 point dust (likely originating from mini-moons) from sporadic dust by differences in their impact velocity.[22]


The constellation Equuleus is borderd by Delphinus and Aquarius
  • Plasmaspheric Helium ion Observation by Enhanced New Imager in eXtreme ultraviolet (PHOENIX)
  • DEtection camera for Lunar impact PHenomena IN 6U Spacecraft (DELPHINUS)
  • Cis-Lunar Object detector in THermal insulation (CLOTH)



EQUULEUS will be equipped with a set of water resistojet thrusters named AQUARIUS (AQUA Resistojet propUlsion System). AQUARIUS functions by heating water into vapor and exhausting it as propulsion. The benefits of using water as a fuel source is its nontoxicity and ease at handling.[23] Heat generated from the onboard communication device will be reused to evaporate the water. The two primary Delta-v thrusters and four reaction control system thrusters will be fed from the same propellant tank.[23]

See also

CubeSats and microsatellites project of ISSL


  1. ^ a b "International Partners Provide Science Satellites for America's Space Launch System Maiden Flight". NASA. 27 May 2016. Retrieved 2017-01-27.
  2. ^ Hayashi, Kimiyo (8 August 2016). "世界最大のロケットSLSが運ぶ、世界最小の月着陸機 —JAXA「OMOTENASHI」とは" (in Japanese). Retrieved 2017-01-27.
  3. ^ a b c d e Cross, Michael (9 June 1988). "Cheating gravity with a 'boomerang' satellite". New Scientist. Vol. 118, no. 1616. Tokyo: Reed Business Information. p. 52. ISSN 0262-4079. Retrieved 2018-02-05.
  4. ^ a b Onji, Akira; Inoue, Yasutoshi; Nomura, Shigeaki; Takashi, Kida; Tsuda, Shouichi. Payload boomerang technology for space experiments at very low gravity level. International Symposium on Space Technology and Science. Bibcode:1986spte.conf.1977O.
  5. ^ a b Nakajima, Atsushi. On-orbit experiments with small satellites. International Symposium on Space Technology and Science. Bibcode:1990spte.conf.1465N.
  6. ^ a b c Nakajima, Atsushi; Abe; Nishio, Yoko; Yahagi, Hisao (20 February 1991). "宇宙ステーションの開発に向けて". Aeronautical and Space Sciences Japan (Article). 25 (12). The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (published December 1991): 103–111. doi:10.2322/jjsass1969.36.103. ISSN 0094-5765. Retrieved 2018-02-05.
  7. ^ a b c d Nakajima, Atsushi; Abe; Nishio, Yoko; Yahagi, Hisao (20 February 1991). "Space experiments of deployable boom and umbrella test satellite (DEBUT)". Acta Astronautica (Article). 25 (12). Elsevier (published December 1991): 765–773. doi:10.1016/0094-5765(91)90055-A. ISSN 0094-5765. Retrieved 2018-02-05.
  8. ^ a b Inoue, Yasutoshi; Tsuda, Shouichi; Takashi, Kida; Nomura, Shigeaki. Problems in boomerang trajectory planning and operations. International Symposium on Space Technology and Science. Bibcode:1988spte....1..655I.
  9. ^ "米宇宙船と日本衛星相乗り 月面着陸にも挑戦". The Sankei Shimbun (in Japanese). May 27, 2016. Retrieved 2017-05-31. ... JAXAの担当者は「オリオンと一緒に月の近くの領域に行くことができる素晴らしい機会だ」としている。 ...'
  10. ^ a b c Tomii, Tetsuo (February 17, 2017). "超小型衛星が拓く・宇宙開発(5)東大−地球・月圏内で軌道操作実証". Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (in Japanese). Retrieved 2017-05-30.
  11. ^ "超小型探査機PROCYONの成果と将来" (PDF) (in Japanese). ISAS. 29 July 2016. Retrieved 2017-03-19.
  12. ^ "Small lunar-lander "SLIM" for the pinpoint landing technology demonstration" (PDF). June 9, 2015. Retrieved 2015-06-23.
  13. ^ "[PPS26-10] Introduction of SLIM, a small and pinpoint lunar lander". 2014-04-30. Retrieved 2016-06-22.
  14. ^ "JAXAはどのような構想を描いているのか…スリム計画を関係者に聞く". The Sankei Shimbun (in Japanese). May 11, 2016. Retrieved 2015-06-05.
  15. ^ Haruyama, Junichi; Sawai, Shujiro; Nakatani, Kouji (2012-03-07). "SLIMが目指す月の縦穴。縦穴探査に期待される科学" (PDF) (in Japanese). JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 February 2016. Retrieved 2016-01-02. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 2 January 2016 suggested (help)
  16. ^ "JAXA、無人機で月着陸へ−小型探査機「SLIM」を18年度に打ち上げ". Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (in Japanese). April 21, 2015. Archived from the original on 23 April 2016. Retrieved 2015-04-22. {{cite news}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 23 April 2015 suggested (help)
  17. ^ "日本初の月面着陸機、今年から開発スタート 「世界に先駆け高精度技術目指す」". The Sankei Shimbun (in Japanese). January 1, 2016. Retrieved 2016-02-03.
  18. ^ "小型衛星を月へ打ち上げ JAXA・東大、着陸にも挑戦 18年に2基". Nikkei (in Japanese). May 28, 2016. Retrieved 2016-06-23.
  19. ^ "Extended Tisserand graph and multiple lunar swing-by design with Sun perturbation" (PDF). JAXA. 3 March 2016. Retrieved 2016-06-07.
  20. ^ Kuwabara, Masaki; Yoshioka, Kazuo; Murakami, Go; et, al. (28 March 2017). "Development of the small EUV imaging device PHOENIX for the EQUULEUS mission" (PDF) (in Japanese). Tohoku University. Retrieved 2017-05-30.
  21. ^ "PHOENIX 観測器の概要" (in Japanese). Retrieved 2017-05-30.
  22. ^ a b c Yano, Hajime; Hirai, Takayuki; Arai, Kazuyoshi (5 January 2017). "EQUULEUS搭載地球・月軌道間微粒子検出機能断熱材(CLOTH)の開発" (PDF) (in Japanese). JAXA. Retrieved 2017-04-27.
  23. ^ a b Asakawa, Jun; Koizumi, Hiroyuki; Takeda, Naoki (5 January 2017). "EQUULEUSに搭載する水レジストジェット 小型推進システムAQUARIUSの提案と開発" (PDF) (in Japanese). JAXA. Retrieved 2017-04-26.