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Since I can’t figure out how to make a Wikipedia page private, I won’t be sharing personal details other than like vague descriptions of location or people.

Baby Toddler Era Where A Day Feels Like Two Years[edit]

me be like

My earliest memory is failing to reach a hanging basket at the age of 1 (pretty cool first memory I know).

I have no context or anything to go alongside it, other than the assumption that I was trying to get a stuffed toy out of it or whatever.

Also at the age of 1, my family moved to a different part of the UK (yes bo’owh’o’wo’er) and the nursery I went to had 4 classes based on age (age 1, age 2, age 3, age 4 simple enough) and I joined it when I turned 4. I was in the same class as my friend. There was a fence between every outside play area for each class, and because said friend wanted to play with his sister and me, he tried to pick her up, over the fence. I swear it’s some sort of miracle no one got hurt and no supervisor / teacher person didn’t notice :P

Primary School Era When School Is Actually Kinda Fun[edit]

I went to two different primary schools. One for 9 months at the start of year reception, and the other for the rest of the time. For whatever reason, the only name that I can’t place with a face today from the first one is “Zach”, probably because I found the fact that someone had a name starting with “Z” and that was cool to me.

The second primary school was (in my opinion) way better than the first one. I have so many memories and friends that went there so that’s cool :P. At the end of year 6, I was tasked with filming editing the school play that couldn’t be performed live because of certain *ahem* ANNOYING RESTRICTIONS. In total, I spent around 4 hours filming it with my class and 24 HOURS editing it. Who knew it could be so hard to edit a DARN SCHOOL PLAY

i mean uhh

Secondary School Era Where School Is Very Slightly Sometimes Fun But Also Outside Of The Actual Lessons Pretty Fun Or Whatever[edit]

Here we are.

This school… Honestly less homework than I expected, pretty fun, a lot of new friends made (insert happy face here). I’m looking at you, slightly annoying Pillager.

One cool thing that happened was that at the end of the 2021-2022 year, we went on a 5-day camping trip. I was bored and overtired at Wednesday lunchtime (shut up okay) partly because these random crows that made a sound so annoying they’re almost as bad as BGQ homework autodefenestrating above me at like 4:30am and I swear no-one could sleep so everyone was outside playing football while I was trying to distract my self with confectionery bought from the resident tuck shop while covering myself with the side of my sleeping bag in me and Salmon’s (you know if you know) tent. When we finally got back to the school I was on 2% battery and seriously needed some charging.

At the end of December 2022, I moved to the Netherlands. Sad. Well at least it’s a cool country ig :P

Ok now I will say the word ‘pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconisis’ multiple times because why the frick not.

First School In The Netherlands Which Is Cool But You Need To Understand Some Things Before Complimenting It[edit]

So this is a cool school I’m at now but they promised a bunch of stuff that would help me learn and it’s not really shaping up to be that way. I don’t think I need that because when I tried the Dutch support class I was the best at the language by far and the actual lessons aren’t hard to keep up with. And they’re also fun. And because there are no iPads you do your research on your phone (which we only do once in every ten lessons but apparently that’s enough for Submarine (you know if you know #2) to want to learn Dutch and go to this school).

We also went to the open days of the two main other schools in Delft. They are both a similar size to you guys’ school (holy crap I almost clicked save with the actual school name in it 😅), however they are (sorry to say this) cooler (don’t attack me ms bg 😕). One of the reasons they’re cooler is that they have more open spaces and stairs and an elevated group of tables for contemplating your existence on.

Not to do with school, there’s TONS of salty liquorice here (yumyum but ms baker gray will probably hate it if she tries some). Also there’s a cheese shop with a ridiculous amount of very large discs of CHEEEEEEESE. I’ll send a photo to teacher if I can find one.

Sorry for not updating the page for ages lol ok bye