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Other namesAcute gout attack
Cartoon by James Gillray in 1799 illustrating the gout symptom of podagra.

In medicine, podagra is called to an acute attack of gout, that usually presents in the first toe, specifically in the metatarsophalangeal joint.

The word "podagra" comes from the greek "podos" (foot), and "agreos" (attack). Hippocrates used the term “the arthritis of the rich”. Although the gout is mainly caused by uric acid deposits, it is possible to find podagra with deposits from other crystals, such as calcium phophate.

Podagra can be caused by excess of Vitamin B3 (niacin), due to hyperuricemia.

It is important to distinguish podagra from other diseases, such as celulitis, septic arthritis, bunion, bone fractures, among others.

See also[edit]


[[Category:Inflammatory polyarthropathies]]