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In preparation for the 1988 Olympics the International Olympic Committee has been worked out to prevent another Olympic boycott by the Eastern bloc as 1984 Summer Olympics at Los Angeles. This was aggravated by the lack of diplomatic relations with South Korea added to socialist countries. This prompted the IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch committed to for the participation of these countries. Thus, for the Assembly of National Olympic Committee in Mexico City in November 1984, the "Mexico Declaration" adopted in which the participants agreed to include the host of the Olympic Games in 1988. The agreement of the Soviet Union came a pledge of equal participation, which, however, various socialist NOCs reacted with incomprehension. The German Democratic Republic had after the Games of Los Angeles has already decided to participate again in Seoul. The IOC also decided that invitations to send directly to the games and did not leave this task as before the organizing committee. Despite these developments, the IOC was thinking about the possibility to internally relocate to the games and explore the suitability of Munich as an alternative.

Another point of conflict was the involvement of North Korea in hosting the Olympic Games. Encouraged by the Cuban president Fidel Castro Ruz, called for North Korea in late 1985, the coadjustment the Games. As a result, it came on 8 and 9 January 1986 in Lausanne by the IOC President chaired a meeting of the North and South Korean Olympic Committee. North Korea demanded that eleven of the 23 Olympic sports will be carried out on its own territory, and was also a special opening and closing ceremonies. There should be a joint organizing committee and take a united team. The negotiations were continued to another meeting, ran but was not successful because the IOC did not meet the demands of North Korea and was only about half of the desired sporting events allow the North. So there was the focus solely on Seoul and South Korea is limited. North Korea boycotted after the failed negotiations for a stake in hosting the Olympic Summer Games in Seoul and was supported by Cuba, Nicaragua and Ethiopia, which far with their crews also the games remained. This boycott is also in Albania and the Seychelles. In order to avoid sanctions by the IOC, waived these states to develop their absence call from the games as a boycott. Until recently, the participation of Madagascar had been expected, was considered so even at the opening ceremony of 160 home nations. However, the country joined the North Korean boycott.