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If given the chance this user will destroy the world as we know it MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! (metaphoricaly of course)

This user is insane

V This user knows Ideas are bulletproof!
JokerThis user promises that no matter what happens, you'll die laughing...
PULPThis user does not think Marsellus Wallace looks like a bitch.
STAR WARSThis user is a Star Wars fan.

This user wonders who is watching the Watchmen
This user believes that cats are NOT food.


This user enjoys rock music.
This user farts in your general direction.
This user is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
ND This user voted for Pedro.
The Usual SuspectsThis user works for Keyser Söze.
This user enjoys films.
This user is against the colorization of black and white movies.
This user doesn't like Nazis.
This user is against monarchy.

lib This user is a liberal and doesn't understand why Americans have demonised the word.
This user supports Anarchist ideas, although they are not an Anarchist themselves.

This user supports equality for everyone.
YRThis user supports youth rights.
This user supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
This user respects women and rejects any violence against women.
This user finds censorship offensive.
This user opposes Imperialism.
This user is a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.
PSM This user is a Parselmouth.
Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
Nyu!This user is a Diclonius
Nyuu...This user has already grown over 9000 vectors.
This user is a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor.
This user does not accept coupons from giant chickens. Not after last time...
This user demands you
respect my authoritah!
∞?This user is an agnostic.
This user has been touched by His Noodly Appendage.
This user does not exist. However, if this user begins to exist, seek shelter immediately.
☢This user is a mutant.
This user recognizes the Palestinian right of return.
Anim This user is an Animagus, and takes the form of a kitten.
4Kids… This user is not very fond of 4Kids. Actually, let me rephrase that…
GITSThis user is the The Laughing Man.
HThis user is a member of the Hellsing Organization.
This user believes that all men are created equal.
This user is a child of the Enlightenment.
This user has depression.
TSThis user has Tourette syndrome.
This user supports medical cannabis
This user is out there,
they can't be bargained with,
they can't be reasoned with,
they don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
Code GeassThis user supports the rebellion.
This user loves Wikipe-tan, the cutest personification of Wikipedia.
AiCThis user is the man in the box.
PFJThis user is a member of The People's Front of Judea