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User:West.andrew.g/Dead links/Archive 688

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Apr 30, 2012 3:23:26 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/greenbaypressgazette/obituary.aspx?n=margaret-remmel-noreen&pid=157352388" (link search) on RID 489962449 (diff) on page Lee Remmel[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:23:11 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.strathconas.ca/index2.php?subaction=showfull&id=1272646401&archive=&start_from=&ucat=&" (link search) on RID 489962431 (diff) on page Horses in World War I[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:21:52 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.newsday.com/community/guide/lihistory/ny-history-hs702a,0,6698943.story" (link search) on RID 489962272 (diff) on page Typhoid Mary[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:13:22 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://skola.romea.cz/cz/index.php?id=historie/14" (link search) on RID 489961130 (diff) on page Ethnic minorities in Czechoslovakia[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:11:00 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.augustinianrecollect.org/" (link search) on RID 489960813 (diff) on page Notre Dame of Banga[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:07:27 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=22&pi=2&gi=3229&vi=3365" (link search) on RID 489960254 (diff) on page Pac-Man[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:07:21 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.twingalaxies.com/index.aspx?c=19&id=1849" (link search) on RID 489960254 (diff) on page Pac-Man[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:07:07 PM GMT -- HTTP 502 with URL "http://web.archive.org/web/20080229043301/http://www.oxfordamericanmag.com/content.cfm?ArticleID=58&Entry=Home" (link search) on RID 489960254 (diff) on page Pac-Man[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:06:11 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.londonnet.co.uk/films/worldofthedeadthezombiediaries2.html" (link search) on RID 489960111 (diff) on page World of the Dead: The Zombie Diaries[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:05:54 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://deadendreviews.co.uk/movies/whatever-happened-to-pete-blaggit-2010.html" (link search) on RID 489960028 (diff) on page The Zombie Diaries[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:04:35 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.forgotten-ny.com/STREET%20SCENES/STEP%20STREETS/steps.html" (link search) on RID 489958327 (diff) on page Washington Heights, Manhattan[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:04:28 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1285/is_6_34/ai_n6097754" (link search) on RID 489958327 (diff) on page Washington Heights, Manhattan[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:02:57 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.fieldmuseum.org/myconet/outline.asp" (link search) on RID 489959567 (diff) on page Protopannaria[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:02:51 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.arc-news.com/read.php?lang=en&id_articol=1059" (link search) on RID 489959439 (diff) on page Arabic language[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:02:40 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.eldiariony.com/noticias/detail.aspx?section=21&desc=Espect%C3%A1culos&id=1200551" (link search) on RID 489958327 (diff) on page Washington Heights, Manhattan[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:00:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.armorytrack.com/about_us.html" (link search) on RID 489958327 (diff) on page Washington Heights, Manhattan[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 3:00:49 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.armorytrack.com/about_us.html" (link search) on RID 489958327 (diff) on page Washington Heights, Manhattan[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:59:05 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.vesport.it/newsvisualizza.asp?ID=18369" (link search) on RID 489959129 (diff) on page F.B.C. Unione Venezia[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:58:37 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mrs.umn.edu/earthquakes/MNeqchart.html" (link search) on RID 489958847 (diff) on page Minnesota[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:53:59 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.trackalerts.com/index.php/news/latest-stories/6535-tat-federation-to-confirm-hacketts-positive-test-on-monday" (link search) on RID 489958288 (diff) on page Trinidad and Tobago records in athletics[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:51:33 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/resolve/openurl?genre=article&sid=nlm:pubmed&issn=0269-2813&date=2000&volume=14&issue=11&spage=1429" (link search) on RID 489956691 (diff) on page Nicotine[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:51:23 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/resolve/openurl?genre=article&sid=nlm:pubmed&issn=0013-9580&date=2003&volume=44&issue=9&spage=1238" (link search) on RID 489956691 (diff) on page Nicotine[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:44:28 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nida.nih.gov/researchreports/nicotine/nicotine2.html" (link search) on RID 489956691 (diff) on page Nicotine[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:40:22 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/chambers/books/brewers/dict_phrase_fable.shtml" (link search) on RID 489956728 (diff) on page Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:32:42 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZleKvThzHk&feature=related" (link search) on RID 489954187 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:32:35 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcoXV5nlsNU" (link search) on RID 489954187 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:31:53 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.wte.org/environment/" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:31:45 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.portclintonnewsherald.com/article/20110113/ENTERTAINMENT/101130311" (link search) on RID 489954187 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:31:38 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.suffolktogether.com/Wesaynotoincinerators/198/Home.html" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:29:47 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&file_id=878" (link search) on RID 489954187 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:29:40 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.r-e-a.net/power/biomass-bioenergy/energy-from-waste" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:29:22 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.mole-valley.gov.uk/index.cfm?Articleid=3585" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:29:11 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZleKvThzHk&feature=related" (link search) on RID 489953884 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:29:03 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcoXV5nlsNU" (link search) on RID 489953884 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:27:43 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.portclintonnewsherald.com/article/20110113/ENTERTAINMENT/101130311" (link search) on RID 489953884 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:27:38 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.create.org.in/Medical_waste_disposal_unit.htm" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:27:25 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cityofames.org/worksweb/resourcerecovery/default.htm" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:27:08 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&file_id=878" (link search) on RID 489953884 (diff) on page Warren G. Harding[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:25:19 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.clementsthespians.com/" (link search) on RID 489954652 (diff) on page Clements High School[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:25:00 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://ciwm.activedition.com/nmsruntime/saveasdialog.aspx?lID=1094&sID=469" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:24:44 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.knowledgecommons.in" (link search) on RID 489954620 (diff) on page Free Software Movement of India[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:24:08 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.judicialwatch.org/flight77.shtml" (link search) on RID 489954035 (diff) on page The Pentagon[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:23:45 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.noharm.org/details.cfm?ID=1963&type=document" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:23:30 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.iswa.org/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=PUB.1.31" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:22:44 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dtic.mil/ref/html/Welcome/general.html" (link search) on RID 489954035 (diff) on page The Pentagon[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:22:38 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.epa.gov/solar/energy-and-you/affect/municipal-sw.html" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:22:31 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://renovation.pentagon.mil/Phoenix/Phoenix.htm" (link search) on RID 489954035 (diff) on page The Pentagon[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:22:26 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ecomed.org.uk/content/IncineratorReport_v3.pdf/" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:22:22 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=travel&res=9505E0D91039F93BA25757C0A964948260" (link search) on RID 489954035 (diff) on page The Pentagon[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:22:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://eippcb.jrc.es/pages/Fmembers.htm" (link search) on RID 489954511 (diff) on page Incineration[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:21:16 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.allbusiness.com/food-beverage/restaurants-food-service-restaurants-fast/5760876-1.html" (link search) on RID 489954035 (diff) on page The Pentagon[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:18:24 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.defenselink.mil/releases/2003/nr20030806-0326.html" (link search) on RID 489954035 (diff) on page The Pentagon[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:18:10 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://renovation.pentagon.mil/pac/pac.htm" (link search) on RID 489954035 (diff) on page The Pentagon[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:14:00 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/data_cube_page.jsp?data_theme=T_IND&data_cube=N_OCC_ORDER1881&u_id=10356830&c_id=10001043&add=Y" (link search) on RID 489953561 (diff) on page Hope Bowdler[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:08:32 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.midwayusa.com/guntecdictionary.exe/showterm?TermID=3183" (link search) on RID 489952955 (diff) on page Parabellum[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 2:04:42 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://scoop.diamondgalleries.com/scoop_article.asp?ai=3025&si=121" (link search) on RID 489952509 (diff) on page Comic book[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:58:51 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.lillypulitzer.com/content_slides.jsp?groupName=OurStory" (link search) on RID 489951929 (diff) on page Lilly Pulitzer[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:51:52 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/28/business/28vision.html?pagewanted=all" (link search) on RID 489951114 (diff) on page John L. Brownlee[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:51:46 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://http://http://online.wsj.com/article/SB117500552140350392-search.html?KEYWORDS=Evan+Perez&COLLECTION=wsjie/6month?pagewanted=all" (link search) on RID 489951114 (diff) on page John L. Brownlee[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:51:08 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.siruthuli.com/Treatment_of_sewage_waters_in_Vellalore_lagoons_using_EM_technology" (link search) on RID 489950985 (diff) on page Vellalur[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:51:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.siruthuli.com/Cassurina_Planting_at_Vellalore_Garbage_Yard" (link search) on RID 489950985 (diff) on page Vellalur[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:47:22 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1405325215" (link search) on RID 489950588 (diff) on page The Kinkaid School[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:43:37 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/data_cube_page.jsp?data_theme=T_SOC&data_cube=N_SOC1831&u_id=10366562&c_id=10001043&add=Y" (link search) on RID 489950202 (diff) on page Stirchley, Shropshire[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:43:31 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/data_cube_page.jsp?data_theme=T_SOC&data_cube=N_SOC1831&u_id=10366562&c_id=10001043&add=Y" (link search) on RID 489950202 (diff) on page Stirchley, Shropshire[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:43:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/16213," (link search) on RID 489950132 (diff) on page William Lax[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:39:18 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/naif-hazazi/leistungsdaten/spieler_93468.html" (link search) on RID 489949607 (diff) on page Naif Hazazi[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:38:57 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tuttomercatoweb.com/parma/?action=read&idnet=c3BvcnRzYm9vazI0Lm5ldC0zOTU2NA" (link search) on RID 489949621 (diff) on page List of Italian football transfers winter 2011–12[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:32:36 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/data_cube_page.jsp?data_theme=T_POP&data_cube=N_TOT_POP&u_id=10356830&c_id=10001043&add=N" (link search) on RID 489948772 (diff) on page Hope Bowdler[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:26:21 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.reprezentacija.rs/cgi-bin/index.pl?str=igraci&strana=Hlevnjak_Ivan" (link search) on RID 489947924 (diff) on page Ivan Hlevnjak[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:22:00 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://desiringhayden.net/pressarchive/?p=426" (link search) on RID 489947197 (diff) on page Lightsaber[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:21:17 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G8VztSWnVo" (link search) on RID 489947197 (diff) on page Lightsaber[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:20:58 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.starwars.com/episode-i/bts/me1/6.html" (link search) on RID 489947197 (diff) on page Lightsaber[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:19:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kingsaud.net/inside/violet/bint.html" (link search) on RID 489946998 (diff) on page Saud of Saudi Arabia[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:08:37 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://library.wustl.edu/vlib/dredscott/chronology.html" (link search) on RID 489945817 (diff) on page Dred Scott[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:07:16 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.talkingproud.us/International061406WhiteHorse.html" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:06:12 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.historycentral.com/Vietnam/Troop.html" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:05:34 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/628478/Vietnam-War" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:05:23 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://web.archive.org/web/20080202203114rn_1/people-press.org/commentary/display.php3?AnalysisID=57" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:05:05 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itdhr/0297/ijde/goodsb1.htm" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:04:38 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.flickr.com/photos/gobmagazine/3454116699/" (link search) on RID 489945066 (diff) on page Patrick Thompson (artist)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:04:27 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.tobingrimshaw.com" (link search) on RID 489945066 (diff) on page Patrick Thompson (artist)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:04:14 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.vietnamwar.com/presidentnixonsrole.htm" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:03:43 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.markmarsters.ca/" (link search) on RID 489945066 (diff) on page Patrick Thompson (artist)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:03:20 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.artguise.ca/2008/08/matter-patrick-thompson.shtml" (link search) on RID 489945066 (diff) on page Patrick Thompson (artist)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:03:09 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.artguise.ca" (link search) on RID 489945066 (diff) on page Patrick Thompson (artist)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:02:58 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ford.utexas.edu/library/exhibits/vietnam/750512a.htm" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 1:01:48 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.vietfederation.ca/30-4-00/TonThatThien.htm" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:59:38 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://.com/61/roots/IE588.html" (link search) on RID 489944678 (diff) on page World[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:58:34 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.clas.ufl.edu/pubs.htm" (link search) on RID 489944563 (diff) on page Daniel Smith (professor)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:58:19 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ford.utexas.edu/library/exhibits/vietnam/750512a.htm" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:57:57 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.flug-revue.rotor.com/frtypen/FRA33020.htm" (link search) on RID 489943244 (diff) on page Boeing 767[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:57:48 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.flug-revue.rotor.com/Frtypen/FR767400.htm" (link search) on RID 489943244 (diff) on page Boeing 767[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:57:41 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aiipowmia.com/testimony/cubanews1.html" (link search) on RID 489944204 (diff) on page Vietnam War[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:56:32 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=Superstitial&i=52250,00.asp" (link search) on RID 489944119 (diff) on page Online advertising[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:54:46 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://fsims.faa.gov/wdocs/8900.1/v04%20ac%20equip%20&%20auth/chapter%2002/04_002_001.htm" (link search) on RID 489943244 (diff) on page Boeing 767[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:54:01 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.scrogginsaviation.com/Airways767SAI.html" (link search) on RID 489943244 (diff) on page Boeing 767[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:51:36 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://.com/61/roots/IE588.html" (link search) on RID 489943698 (diff) on page World[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:50:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/jsp_includes/articlePrint.jsp?storyID=news%2F05305p02.xml&headLine=E-10+Radar+Secretly+Designed+To+Jam+Missiles" (link search) on RID 489943244 (diff) on page Boeing 767[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:48:01 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.vanityfair.com/online/wolcott/2006/10/political_pieti.html" (link search) on RID 489942770 (diff) on page Troll (Internet)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:47:50 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=trolling&i=53181,00.asp#" (link search) on RID 489942770 (diff) on page Troll (Internet)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:44:39 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.emoderators.com/papers/flames.html" (link search) on RID 489942770 (diff) on page Troll (Internet)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:41:44 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5026/is_200107/ai_n18240840" (link search) on RID 489942486 (diff) on page DWDB-TV[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:40:17 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://nosdataexplorer.noaa.gov/nosdataexplorer/" (link search) on RID 489942314 (diff) on page Coast[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:36:08 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.lorton.cumbria.sch.uk" (link search) on RID 489941871 (diff) on page Lorton, Cumbria[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:25:43 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/data_cube_page.jsp?data_theme=T_POP&data_cube=N_AREA_ACRES&u_id=10066499&c_id=10001043&add=Y" (link search) on RID 489940563 (diff) on page Lorton, Cumbria[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:15:03 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.pisiffik.gl/en/Om%20os.aspx" (link search) on RID 489939377 (diff) on page Pisiffik[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:12:57 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://news.toonzone.net/article.php?ID=13687" (link search) on RID 489939168 (diff) on page List of Animaniacs episodes[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:11:04 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/grant-aided-properties-pow/st-john-the-baptist-kinlet-dy12-3ds/" (link search) on RID 489938968 (diff) on page Kinlet[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:09:35 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/28/us/politics/28oxycontin.html?pagewanted=all" (link search) on RID 489938809 (diff) on page John L. Brownlee[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:08:28 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1987-11923-001" (link search) on RID 489938677 (diff) on page Good Behavior Game[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:08:21 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1983-30064-001" (link search) on RID 489938677 (diff) on page Good Behavior Game[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:07:42 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1272880&searchtype=mapsearch" (link search) on RID 489938631 (diff) on page Riverhead, Kent[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:04:20 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://dalkurdff.se/robert-mambo-mumba-klar-for-dalkurd" (link search) on RID 489938253 (diff) on page Robert Mambo Mumba[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:02:26 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1977-24323-001" (link search) on RID 489938057 (diff) on page Good Behavior Game[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:00:53 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.demilovatoweb.com/officemax-a-day-made-better-school-advocacy-campaign/" (link search) on RID 489937836 (diff) on page Demi Lovato[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 12:00:48 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.demilovatoweb.com/join-the-sourge-spokesperson/" (link search) on RID 489937836 (diff) on page Demi Lovato[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:58:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ofcom.org.uk/consult/condocs/rada/summary/" (link search) on RID 489937611 (diff) on page Television advertisement[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:53:16 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.rogerandsally.co.uk/fenny-bentley-history.php" (link search) on RID 489937118 (diff) on page Fenny Bentley[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:47:12 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.hallowquest.org.uk.html/" (link search) on RID 489936414 (diff) on page John and Caitlin Matthews[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:44:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.csus.edu/org/wpsa/PGIAD.pdf/" (link search) on RID 489936155 (diff) on page Western Political Science Association[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:43:39 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://justmakeuptips.com/next-generation-mineral-cc-color-control-blemish-balm/1342" (link search) on RID 489935935 (diff) on page Rachel Kum[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:23:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/dzon-delarge/leistungsdaten/spieler_192801.html" (link search) on RID 489934177 (diff) on page John Delarge[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:20:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.i-volunteer.org.uk/helpfromhome/micro-volunteering-changing-the-world-in-just-your-pyjamas/" (link search) on RID 489933926 (diff) on page Volunteering[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:15:07 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/data_cube_page.jsp?data_theme=T_HOUS&data_cube=N_HOUSES&u_id=10258455&c_id=10001043&add=Y" (link search) on RID 489933335 (diff) on page Carburton[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:06:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://tour.naughtyamerica.com/porn-star-interviews/janet-mason-porn-star-interview/2626" (link search) on RID 489932525 (diff) on page Janet Mason[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:06:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/False+autism+study+done+untold+harm/4086366/story.html" (link search) on RID 489932499 (diff) on page Autism spectrum disorders in the media[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:06:08 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Autism+study+represents+failure+journalism/4095111/story.html" (link search) on RID 489932499 (diff) on page Autism spectrum disorders in the media[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:04:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/8819.html" (link search) on RID 489932278 (diff) on page Alkaline battery[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:04:07 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/WPIE/Batteries/" (link search) on RID 489932278 (diff) on page Alkaline battery[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:01:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.pisiffik.gl/en/Om%20os.aspx" (link search) on RID 489932033 (diff) on page Royal Greenland Trading Department[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 11:01:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cubt.edu/California" (link search) on RID 489932020 (diff) on page California University of Business and Technology[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:59:38 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.adidas.com/campaigns/women/content/stella/stella.asp?strCountry_adidascom=com" (link search) on RID 489931783 (diff) on page Stella McCartney[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:56:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://u2know.net/u2know/?act=article&article_id=27" (link search) on RID 489931506 (diff) on page Drought[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:54:55 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www2.resto.be/bib_new.cfm?langue=uk" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:54:49 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www1.uol.com.br/bienal/23bienal/universa/iueopa.htm" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:54:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.visitbelgium.com/mussels.htm" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:53:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nbb.be/pub/00_00_00_00_02/?l=en&t=ho" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:53:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.metrotime.be/digipapernl.html?pag=2&kdate=2007-05-10" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:53:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/09/euwl/ht09euwl.htm" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:53:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/08/euwl/ht08euwl.htm" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:53:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/07/euwl/ht07euwl.htm" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:53:05 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2006/12/20_mnookin.php" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:52:51 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.geogr.uni-goettingen.de/kus/personen/euregio/emr99-21.htm" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:52:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.fed-parl.be/constitution_uk.html" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:51:45 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/02/16/sprj.irq.nato.belgium.ap/" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:51:32 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-15698/Western-music" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:51:27 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/59268/Belgium" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:51:20 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.briobrussel.be/ned/webpage4.asp?WebpageId=39" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:51:08 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.belgianexperts.com/rock.php" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:50:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200508/s1435915.htm" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:50:22 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://theyeardollypartonwasmymom.ca/?page_id=8" (link search) on RID 489930904 (diff) on page Nelly Furtado[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:48:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://statbel.fgov.be/port/cou_eu_en.asp#BE" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:48:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://statbel.fgov.be/census/previous_fr.asp" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:47:15 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://edata.ub.unimaas.nl/www-edocs/loader/file.asp?id=264" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:46:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://statbel.fgov.be/figures/d21_nl.asp#2" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:46:07 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.kendo-serbia.org.yu/" (link search) on RID 489930342 (diff) on page European Kendo Federation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:45:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.farmhousecooking.com/main/knights.shtml?s=D5D9F6FC-7D7212135908-62E3/" (link search) on RID 489930342 (diff) on page European Kendo Federation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:45:08 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.metrotime.be/digipaperArticlenl.html?storyId=3947981" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:45:01 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.bogazicikendo.com/" (link search) on RID 489930342 (diff) on page European Kendo Federation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:44:44 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.metrotime.be/Belgie_gaat_plat_op_br_zijn_buik_voor_China.html" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:44:05 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.briobrussel.be/ned/webpage3.asp?WebpageId=30" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:42:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/midnightoil/albums/album/179177/review/5941111/red_sails_in_the_sunset" (link search) on RID 489930136 (diff) on page Red Sails in the Sunset (album)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:42:32 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://ecodata.mineco.fgov.be/mdn/Vreemde_bevolking.jsp" (link search) on RID 489930125 (diff) on page Belgium[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:40:10 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://u2know.net/u2know/?act=article&article_id=24" (link search) on RID 489929901 (diff) on page Cold wave[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:34:06 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/india/indus/elements.html" (link search) on RID 489929196 (diff) on page Irrigation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:33:42 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9006076/Amenemhet-III" (link search) on RID 489929196 (diff) on page Irrigation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:33:16 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/uccerice/WATER/water.htm" (link search) on RID 489929196 (diff) on page Irrigation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:29:42 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/india/indus/elements.html" (link search) on RID 489928696 (diff) on page Irrigation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:29:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ucv.ve/cifi/16%5CArticuloh.htm" (link search) on RID 489928815 (diff) on page Gold cyanidation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:29:06 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9006076/Amenemhet-III" (link search) on RID 489928696 (diff) on page Irrigation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:28:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/uccerice/WATER/water.htm" (link search) on RID 489928696 (diff) on page Irrigation[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:27:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sonymusic.pt/Noticias.php?IdNoticia=591&Sid=52f51299803c346c38fda0267808b742" (link search) on RID 489928508 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:27:26 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.passatemponow.com/" (link search) on RID 489928508 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:27:06 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.nowmusic.pl/" (link search) on RID 489928508 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:26:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.elcorteingles.es/musica/producto/producto.asp?referencia=05112119416" (link search) on RID 489928508 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:21:16 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.igespar.pt/en/patrimonio/pesquisa/geral/patrimonioimovel/detail/74092/" (link search) on RID 489928123 (diff) on page Velho de Alcoutim Castle[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:17:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ipsos-mori.com/content/three-in-five-believe-in-god.ashx" (link search) on RID 489927719 (diff) on page Religion in the United Kingdom[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:16:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=984" (link search) on RID 489927719 (diff) on page Religion in the United Kingdom[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:16:46 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sonymusic.pt/Noticias.php?IdNoticia=591&Sid=52f51299803c346c38fda0267808b742" (link search) on RID 489927611 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:16:38 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.statistics.gov.uk/STATBASE/ssdataset.asp?vlnk=6590" (link search) on RID 489927719 (diff) on page Religion in the United Kingdom[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:16:25 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.passatemponow.com/" (link search) on RID 489927611 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:16:11 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.nowmusic.pl/" (link search) on RID 489927611 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:15:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.elcorteingles.es/musica/producto/producto.asp?referencia=05112119416" (link search) on RID 489927611 (diff) on page Now That's What I Call Music![edit]
Apr 30, 2012 10:11:24 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.discoverymedicine.comhttp://www.discoverymedicine.com/John-T-Patton/2012/01/26/rotavirus-diversity-and-evolution-in-the-post-vaccine-world/" (link search) on RID 489927182 (diff) on page Rotavirus[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:53:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tate.org.uk/learning/learnonline/blakeinteractive/lambeth/london_05.html" (link search) on RID 489924610 (diff) on page William Blake[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:52:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tate.org.uk/learning/worksinfocus/blake/" (link search) on RID 489924610 (diff) on page William Blake[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:51:42 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/07_subnav_04_1.cfm" (link search) on RID 489925426 (diff) on page Gladswood House[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:50:01 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/07_subnav_04_1.cfm" (link search) on RID 489925265 (diff) on page Gladswood House[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:49:43 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.av-comparatives.org/comparativesreviews/summary-reports.html" (link search) on RID 489925201 (diff) on page Kaspersky Lab[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:49:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poet/william-blake.html" (link search) on RID 489924610 (diff) on page William Blake[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:49:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.virusbtn.com/vb100/archive/results?vendor=VE15" (link search) on RID 489925201 (diff) on page Kaspersky Lab[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:49:05 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://members.blackbox.net/oebgdk/krisis_manifest-englisch.html" (link search) on RID 489925223 (diff) on page Refusal of work[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:47:57 AM GMT -- HTTP 502 with URL "http://www.btmbeijing.com/contents/en/btm/2004-09/beijing/dadu/" (link search) on RID 489924500 (diff) on page Khanbaliq[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:46:43 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sisimiut.gl/Business/Infrastructure/Harbours/Sisimiut.aspx" (link search) on RID 489924849 (diff) on page Pilersuisoq[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:45:50 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.parliament.uk/biographies/lords/arthur-gwynne-jones/27115.htm" (link search) on RID 489924312 (diff) on page Alun Gwynne Jones, Baron Chalfont[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:45:01 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=103" (link search) on RID 489923638 (diff) on page General Dynamics F-16 VISTA[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:43:44 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/data_cube_page.jsp?data_theme=T_HOUS&data_cube=N_HOUSES&u_id=10106953&c_id=10001043&add=Y" (link search) on RID 489923652 (diff) on page Andersfield Hundred[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:43:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://realmeter.net/issue/view.asp?Table_Name=s_news1&N_Num=396&file_name=20120430112623.htm&Cpage=1" (link search) on RID 489923714 (diff) on page Opinion polling for the South Korean presidential election, 2012[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:43:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/clubbyclub-guide-the-prospects-the-players-to-watch-the-arrivals-and-departures-1596119.html.htm" (link search) on RID 489923021 (diff) on page Paul Beesley[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:42:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.pisiffik.gl/en/Om%20os.aspx" (link search) on RID 489919003 (diff) on page KNI (Greenland Trade)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:41:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/entertainment/04/26/12/jessica-fumbles-?rhapsody?-soars-vandross-hit" (link search) on RID 489922693 (diff) on page Jessica Sanchez[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:41:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.singerinstruments.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=386&Itemid=962" (link search) on RID 489919756 (diff) on page Agar plate[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:38:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.transfermarkt.de/de/samed-yesil/profil/spieler_95295.html" (link search) on RID 489920816 (diff) on page Samed Yesil[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:38:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sisimiut.gl/Business/Infrastructure/Harbours/Sisimiut.aspx" (link search) on RID 489920831 (diff) on page Pilersuisoq[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:36:03 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://search.proquest.com/docview/371722794" (link search) on RID 489919091 (diff) on page MontBleu[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:35:41 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.prov.vic.gov.au/eureka/documents.htm?id=%20200" (link search) on RID 489918804 (diff) on page Ballarat Reform League[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:35:32 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.voyagerco.com/criterion/catalogpage.cgi?ghostbusters" (link search) on RID 489917864 (diff) on page Constant angular velocity[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:32:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20111219&content_id=26198692&vkey=ice_news" (link search) on RID 489918871 (diff) on page Javier Fernández (figure skater)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:31:44 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.voyagerco.com/criterion/catalogpage.cgi?ghostbusters" (link search) on RID 489917347 (diff) on page Ghostbusters[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:31:35 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://search.proquest.com/docview/371722794" (link search) on RID 489918091 (diff) on page Caesars World[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:31:08 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://search.proquest.com/docview/134353780" (link search) on RID 489918091 (diff) on page Caesars World[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:24:54 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.bop.gov/iloc2/InmateFinderServlet?Transaction=NameSearch&needingMoreList=false&FirstName=james&Middle=dalton&LastName=bell&Race=U&Sex=U&Age=&x=77&y=28Bell's" (link search) on RID 489917292 (diff) on page Jim Bell[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:24:46 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.bbc.co.ukl/news/world-asia-17890754" (link search) on RID 489917279 (diff) on page Clive Palmer (businessman)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 9:24:14 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.bbc.co.ukl/news/world-asia-17890754" (link search) on RID 489917443 (diff) on page Clive Palmer (businessman)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 8:11:25 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://dashadypot.com" (link search) on RID 489916214 (diff) on page Relapse: Refill (album)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 8:10:10 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/wacotrib/obituary.aspx?n=mickey-sullivan&pid=156636509" (link search) on RID 489916127 (diff) on page Deaths in March 2012[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 8:09:52 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.octagonsoftware.com/chipwits/editor.jsp/" (link search) on RID 489916120 (diff) on page ChipWits[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:59:02 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/uit23.htm" (link search) on RID 489915112 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in February 1944[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:54:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.worldtempus.com/wt/1/6791/" (link search) on RID 489914767 (diff) on page Watch[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:53:58 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/uit22.htm" (link search) on RID 489914737 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in March 1944[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:53:37 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.jbmittan.com/articles/a-yagudin.htm" (link search) on RID 489914670 (diff) on page Alexei Yagudin[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:53:20 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20110607&content_id=20153252&vkey=ice_news" (link search) on RID 489914670 (diff) on page Alexei Yagudin[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:53:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20071024&content_id=35278&vkey=ice_news" (link search) on RID 489914670 (diff) on page Alexei Yagudin[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:49:00 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=35741" (link search) on RID 489914267 (diff) on page Sidi Toui National Park[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:48:02 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/midnightoil/albums/album/179177/review/5941111/red_sails_in_the_sunset" (link search) on RID 489914200 (diff) on page Red Sails in the Sunset (album)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:39:02 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/ud4.htm" (link search) on RID 489913426 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in May 1945[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:38:54 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/ud3.htm" (link search) on RID 489913426 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in May 1945[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:38:48 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.buffalospree.com/archives/2006_0910/091006wny10women02.html" (link search) on RID 489913392 (diff) on page Lackawanna, New York[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:38:37 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/ud2.htm" (link search) on RID 489913426 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in May 1945[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:38:20 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://predators.nhl.com/team/app/predators?page=NHLPage&service=page&bcid=pre_broadcasters#callahan" (link search) on RID 489913392 (diff) on page Lackawanna, New York[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:37:59 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://assembly.state.ny.us/member_files/145/20050818/" (link search) on RID 489913392 (diff) on page Lackawanna, New York[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:37:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dotd.louisiana.gov/planning/maps_classification/Statewide_FunClass2002.pdf/" (link search) on RID 489913327 (diff) on page Louisiana Highway 1239[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:29:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/cast/adama/" (link search) on RID 489912591 (diff) on page Edward James Olmos[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:29:16 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.freespeech.org/videodb/index.php?action=view&video_id=10227&media_id=6012&browse=0" (link search) on RID 489912591 (diff) on page Edward James Olmos[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:28:41 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archive/1996_jan-dec/04/04-11-96tdc/04-11-96d01-004.htm" (link search) on RID 489912591 (diff) on page Edward James Olmos[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:25:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/uc2.htm" (link search) on RID 489912378 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in May 1945[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:13:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/ub.htm" (link search) on RID 489911438 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in May 1945[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:13:15 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/marketwire/0565512.htm" (link search) on RID 489911425 (diff) on page The Hunger Games trilogy[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:03:03 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://uboat.net/boats/ua.htm" (link search) on RID 489910645 (diff) on page List of shipwrecks in July 1942[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:02:20 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Entretenimento/0,,GIM377569-7822-VINICIUS+CAMILA+MORGADO+RECITA+SONETO+DA+FIDELIDADE,00.html" (link search) on RID 489907731 (diff) on page Camila Morgado[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 7:00:42 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.stampeders.com/news_blogs/news/?id=2516" (link search) on RID 489909199 (diff) on page Ezzrett Anderson[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:58:32 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/nagano98/figuresk8/feb98/russian2798.htm" (link search) on RID 489909390 (diff) on page Natalia Pavlova[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:54:37 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://dalkurdff.se/robert-mambo-mumba-klar-for-dalkurd" (link search) on RID 489908326 (diff) on page Robert Mambo[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:52:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.greenenergytalkdirectory.org/library/Lynn-and-Inner-Dowsing.php" (link search) on RID 489907616 (diff) on page Foundation (engineering)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:52:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/dept/d10/asb/anthro2003/origins/hominid_journey/earlyasian/Larick-2.html" (link search) on RID 489907736 (diff) on page Rawat, Murree[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:30:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/nagano98/figuresk8/feb98/russian2798.htm" (link search) on RID 489906669 (diff) on page Marina Eltsova[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:29:48 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/nagano98/figuresk8/feb98/russian2798.htm" (link search) on RID 489906657 (diff) on page Andrei Bushkov[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:28:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.greenparty.ca/node/8646" (link search) on RID 489906159 (diff) on page Jim Harris (politician)[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:13:58 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.legion.org/pastcommanders" (link search) on RID 489906039 (diff) on page William E. Galbraith[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:08:29 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://eastandard.net/sports/?id=1143988805&cid=2" (link search) on RID 489906007 (diff) on page Arnold Origi[edit]
Apr 30, 2012 6:07:38 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/2006/4/2006_4_7.shtml" (link search) on RID 489905540 (diff) on page Rooster[edit]