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User:Wexlax20//Medical Advances in Childbirth Through the Twentieth Century

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Notes and citations[edit]


  • Johanson, Richard, Mary Newburn, and Alison Macfarlane. "Has the medicalisation of childbirth gone too far?" British Medical Journal. 13 April 2002. Df18ea9ed81ec00cfd41bf55aab56&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha>.]]
This article informs childbirth from the 16th century to the 21st century. Not only does it educate the reader but it also offers a critique of the remarkable medical advancements of childbirth. The critique further educates us of how technological developments have enhanced each century. The article offers many statistics concerning childbirth in the 20th century and 21st century as well as specific explanations of how obstetricians performed labor.
  • Leavitt, Judith Walzar. "The Growth of medical Authority: Technology and Morals in Turn-of-the-Century Obstetrics." Medical Anthrophology Quarterly. 1.3(1987): 230-255. American Anthropoligical Association. 07 Feb. 2010 [1]
The article begins with how pregnancies were medically dealt with before the 20th century. Therefore the author's studies of the techonoligcal developments during the 20th century are profound and important to the past experiences. The article gives a detailed diagram of the new medical procedures to give a discrete explanation. The article's "New Pattern of Decision Making" is also very essential because the decisions of obsetricians during this time period will affect the 21st Century.

  • Martell, James. “The History of Childbirth-Ouch!” The History of.net. Accessed 08 Feb 2010.
The article seems to be credible from the authors outlined credentials. There is information about different aspects of a pregnancy and childbirth like the introduction of anesthesia, midwife services, and Cesarean sections. There are a few statistics, many dates, and different cultural aspects are provided. The article outlines childbirth throughout the twentieth century as well as some scenarios from years before.
The article is informative concerning some of the advances following 1945 and World War II. Some of the advances in childbirth include the use of epidurals and the ability to induce labour. This was the real beginning for the many medical advances to follow. As medical knowledge developed, more infants were surviving and there were less ‘blue’ babies. This article is credible because it clearly outlines the credentials of the author and the web site. Also, the web site is copyrighted.