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John's User Page
Updated 3.7.10

Prerequisite Nonsense[edit]

This Wikipedian recites the Wiki Prayer regularly.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the pages I cannot edit,
The courage to edit the pages I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Progress Learning WikiEdits[edit]

First Entry


  • This is my first time accessing Wikipedia with the intent of dramatically altering existing articles. Up to this point, I have made only minor (mainly grammatical) corrections to pre-existing pages. However, I had come across an article that lacked information that I thought necessary. This song is also performed by Niamh Parsons[1]. In adding the information, I realized that a portion of the tabled list was out of order. Today, I will set about righting the list.
  • Looking up the information to even remotely complete the list, much less put it in order, has taken several hours. After a short break, we will see what we can do about sorting the chronological order of the list.
  • The entire list has been placed into chronological order, and all fields filled as far as I can go without listening to every track individually to find out the genre in which they were performed.
  • All said and done, approximately 4-5 hours of work, admittedly with a great deal of actual work and the reading of articles sprinkled throughout.


  • Today, a coworker brought up a very interesting individual in conversation: one Arthur Howard Estabrook. He was a eugenics doctor of some repute, and composed a body of research on a number of topics. My project is currently to research Arthur Estabrook and see what I can find by way of sources. If a sufficient body of research can be found, I would like to compose my first Wikipedia article written from the ground up. I have already compiled a number of websites with information on the doctor; I will begin coding in the sandbox and see how to put the article together.
  • After approximately 4 hours of research, obtaining websites, reading over coding, and looking up templates, the article stands (relatively) ready to stand on its own. It is currently sitting in Sandbox #1.


  • My, how time flies... It's been a year since I have been a contributor to Wikipedia; although I would have liked to contribute much more in that time. Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to have that chance. For now, I think one of my main goals should simply be to post my article on the main page and see what happens.

External Links[edit]

Pandora: The Music Genome Project
Meebo Messenger


  1. ^ The Music Genome Project: Niamh Parsons [1]


SANDBOX: ARTICLE: Dr. Arthur Howard Estabrook

This area is meant for development of Wikipedia technique, as well as experimentation before implementation of use in articles on the main page.

Arthur Howard Estabrook (May 9th, 1885 - December 6th, 1973) was an American eugenicist and author on topics including racial characteristics, sterilization of those with mental disabilities, and venereal disease in New York City. He held the position of President of the Eugenics Research Association from 1925 to 1926.


Estabrook was born in Leicester, Massachusetts, to parents Arthur Francis Estabrook and Susan Rebecca Breck. He attended Clark University in Worchester, Massachusetts, earning his B.A. degree in 1905 and his M.A. in 1906. While at Clark he served as a fellow and assistant in zoology from 1906-1907. He later obtained his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1910, and attended the New York School of Philanthropy in 1914.

Personal Life

Arthur Estabrook was married twice, first to Jessie MacCubbin on October 25th, 1911 and then again after her death to Anne Ruth Medcalf on July 8, 1931.


From 1910 to 1929 Estabrook worked for the Eugenics Record Office of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. He also briefly acted as a special investigator for the Indiana State Commission on Mental Defectives (1916-18). It was during this time that Estabrook was called on to examine the sterilization case of Carrie Buck in the case Buck v. Bell. After this, he served as a Captain in the United States Army in the Sanitary Corps until 1920. He moved on from the Eugenics Record Office to work for the American Society for the Control of Cancer in 1929.

End of Life

Estabrook died in Chatham Center, New York on December 6th, 1973. He was 88 years old.

(1) http://library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/apap069.htm#series9 (2) http://www.hsl.virginia.edu/historical/eugenics/3-buckvbell.cfm (3) http://www.eugenicsarchive.org/html/eugenics/index2.html?tag=378


This area is meant for development of Wikipedia technique, as well as experimentation before implementation of use in articles on the main page.