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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Little Bit About Myself

I am a student at UCF, majoring in business communication. The reason I find myself creating a wikipedia account is for the sole purpose of completing an assignment in hopes of the highest marks possible. Wikipedia has always been a resourceful source that I have cited many times. Completing this assignment just shows me how much more to Wikipedia there is than meets the eye. Wikipedia has a bad reputation of providing a lot of false information but the way the website is set up, I just see it as a lot of people trying there best to help others. Wikipedia shows this by trying its best to review edits that people make. There is also a lot more effort actually put into making these revisions and fixing "stubs" than what I originally thought. Wikipedia is an endless space of any kind of information one could think of. Wikipedia is so diverse that even if one does not agree with the information that is readily available, one has the power to take action and change the information to what one deems is correct.

What Brings Me to Wikipedia

As stated in the previous section of my user page, the reason behind me making a Wikipedia is account is to complete and assignment for a communication class that I am currently enrolled in at UCF. This assignment is one that has taught me a lot and shed light to a gray area of the internet for me. The current assignment I am working on has to deal with the "stubs" portion of wikipedia. During this assignment, I was introduced to what "stubs" actually are and how they are fixed by users to be made into complete "articles". There are different classifications for "stubs" that were cleared up during this assignment that made me more comfortable around the subject.