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User:Yanping Nora Soong/M1/exam 3

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General tissue organization (review)[edit]

Exocrine glands[edit]



Glandular organization[edit]

Ductal organization[edit]

Branced/compound v. simple

Method of secretion[edit]

Note: taken ad verbatim from exocrine gland. Will resumnmarize later

Product secreted[edit]

Note: taken ad verbatim from exocrine gland. Will resumnmarize later


Anatomy overview[edit]

Enteric ganglia[edit]

As an ensemble, rivals the CNS in mass ("the second brain").

Histology (general pattern)[edit]

General histological organization diagram

Generalized cell types[edit]

Oral cavity and mucosa and esophagus[edit]

The muscularis propria (muscularis externa) of the top 1/3 of the esophagus is skeletal muscle, not smooth muscle. The bottom 1/3 (preceding the gastroesophageal junction) is smooth muscle only. The middle 1/3 is mixed.


General organization[edit]

The stomach has three smooth muscular layers, adding an exception to the pattern:

  • Inner circular smooth muscle
  • Middle oblique smooth muscle (a "deep inner" layer)
  • Outer longitudinal smooth muscle

Generally, the epithelium of the stomach "pits" into the lamina propria, where various stomach glands are located. There are regional differences between the 1) cardia 2) pylorus) and 3) stomach body

Gland histology[edit]

Fundus glands[edit]

Small intestine[edit]

Brunner's glands

General organization[edit]

Broadly distributed cells[edit]

Enterocyte absorption physiology[edit]

  • Proteins are broken up into peptide fragments and amino acids via pancreatic proteases in the lumen of the small intestine. The free amino acids and peptides are imported into the apical portion of the enterocyte via apical surface (brush border) via peptide transporter 1 (cotransported with H+) and sodium-dependent amino acid transporters. Peptides should be 2-3 AA long; any longer than 4 AA will not be imported.
  • Imported into the bloodstream via basal surface amino acid and peptide transporters


  • Brunner's glands (submucosal! other than the esophagus, which lack villi, unique to the duodenum)

Large intestine[edit]


  • Many lymphoid aggregates - dominated by lymphoid tissue






