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User talk:Jamesmarg/Venus' flower basket

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I really liked the detailed information regarding applications, morphology, and the habitat.

I think it would be nice to add a new section to explain further E.aspergillum's mutualistic relationship with glass sponge shrimp. Moreover, the morphology section may be a little hard to comprehend for the readers with lack of scientific backgrounds.

It seems E.aspergillum has diverse applications. However, it would be interesting to note how the extractions for research and other anthropogenic activities (sponges used as wedding gifts) potentially harm these sponges.

Overall really good job editing this page!

John Kim:

The additional information that you added provides a more detailed overview of the Venus' flower basket.

Specifically, I like how you described which depths of the deep sea Venus' flower baskets are found in. I also like how you added more information on drag by talking about a "study by Italian researcher" in the morphology section. But I would just recommend adding a citation in this section because you add new information but there is no reference to the source. Also, this is a minor correction but the last sentence of the morphology section wasn't a complete sentence: "Additionally, making feeding more efficient for the shrimp living inside of its lattice"

Although I like your last sentence in the Anthropomorphic Applications section, I would add just another sentence or two about how exactly the flower basket structure and Norman Foster's design are similar.

Overall, I think your edits to the article provide a better understanding on its applications, morphology and habitat. Great job!