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Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (A)

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A Beautiful Mind (book) -- A Beautiful Mind (film) -- A Biography of Maria Gaetana Agnesi -- A Brief History of Time (film) -- A Certain Ambiguity -- A Course in Higher Mathematics -- A Course of Modern Analysis -- A Course of Pure Mathematics -- A Disappearing Number -- A-equivalence -- A-group -- A Guide to the Classification Theorem for Compact Surfaces -- A History of Mathematical Notations -- A History of Pi -- A History of the Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy -- A History of Vector Analysis -- A¹ homotopy theory -- A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines -- A Mathematical Theory of Communication -- A Mathematician's Apology -- A Mathematician's Lament -- A Mathematician's Miscellany -- A Metric America -- A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates -- A Mind at Play -- A New Era of Thought -- A∞-operad -- A-paracompact space -- A Passage to Infinity -- A posteriori probability -- A Primer of Real Functions -- A priori (statistics) -- A priori estimate -- A priori probability -- A Requiem for Homo Sapiens -- A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits -- A System of Logic -- A Topological Picturebook -- A Treatise on Probability -- A Treatise on the Circle and the Sphere -- A* search algorithm -- A. C. Grayling -- A. W. Faber Model 366 --



A4 polytope -- A5 polytope -- A6 polytope -- A7 polytope -- A8 polytope -- AA postulate -- Aad van der Vaart -- Aanderaa–Karp–Rosenberg conjecture -- Aaron Robertson (mathematician) -- AB5 category -- ABACABA pattern -- Abacus -- Abacus school -- Abbe error -- Abbe sine condition -- Abc conjecture -- ABC@Home -- Abductive reasoning -- Abdus Salam Award -- Abdus Salam Centre for Physics -- Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences -- Abel elliptic functions -- Abel equation -- Abel equation of the first kind -- Abel–Goncharov interpolation -- Abel–Jacobi map -- Abel–Plana formula -- Abel polynomials -- Abel Prize -- Abel–Ruffini theorem -- Abel transform -- Abel's binomial theorem -- Abel's identity -- Abel's inequality -- Abel's irreducibility theorem -- Abel's summation formula -- Abel's test -- Abel's theorem -- Abelian (disambiguation) -- Abelian 2-group -- Abelian and Tauberian theorems -- Abelian category -- Abelian extension -- Abelian group -- Abelian integral -- Abelian Lie algebra -- Abelian Lie group -- Abelian sandpile model -- Abelian surface -- Abelian variety -- Abelian von Neumann algebra -- Abelson's paradox -- Aberth method --



Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg -- Abhyankar–Moh theorem -- Abhyankar's conjecture -- Abhyankar's inequality -- Abhyankar's lemma -- Abjad numerals -- Abnormal subgroup -- Abramov's algorithm -- Abramowitz and Stegun -- ABS methods -- Abscissa and ordinate -- Absolute continuity -- Absolute convergence -- Absolute difference -- Absolute Galois group -- Absolute geometry -- Absolute Infinite -- Absolute irreducibility -- Absolute presentation of a group -- Absolute probability judgement -- Absolute value -- Absolute value (algebra) -- Absolute-value norm -- Absolute zero -- Absolutely convex set -- Absolutely integrable function -- Absolutely simple group -- Absoluteness -- Absorbing barrier (finance) -- Absorbing element -- Absorbing Markov chain -- Absorbing set -- Absorbing set (random dynamical systems) -- Absorption (logic) -- Absorption law -- Abstract additive Schwarz method -- Abstract algebra -- Abstract algebraic logic -- Abstract analytic number theory -- Abstract and Applied Analysis -- Abstract and concrete -- Abstract cell complex -- Abstract differential equation -- Abstract differential geometry -- Abstract elementary class -- Abstract family of acceptors -- Abstract family of languages -- Abstract index notation -- Abstract L-space -- Abstract logic -- Abstract m-space -- Abstract machine -- Abstract model theory -- Abstract nonsense -- Abstract polytope -- Abstract rewriting system -- Abstract semantic graph -- Abstract simplicial complex -- Abstract structure -- Abstract Wiener space -- Abstraction (mathematics) -- Abstraction model checking --



Abū Ḥanīfa Dīnawarī -- Abu-Mahmud Khojandi -- Abundance conjecture -- Abundance estimation -- Abundant number -- Abuse of notation -- ABX test -- AC (complexity) -- AC0 -- Academic Games -- ACC0 -- Acceleration -- Acceleration (differential geometry) -- Acceptable quality limit -- Acceptable ring -- Acceptance sampling -- Accessibility relation -- Accessible category -- Accessible stopping time -- Accumulation point -- Accuracy and precision -- Accuracy paradox -- Achilles number -- Ackermann function -- Ackermann ordinal -- Ackermann set theory -- Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award -- Ackermann's formula -- Ackley function -- Acnode --



ACORN PRNG -- Acquiescence bias -- Acta Applicandae Mathematicae -- Acta Arithmetica -- Acta Mathematica -- Acta Mathematica Hungarica -- Acta Mathematica Sinica -- Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica -- Acta Numerica -- Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum -- Action (mathematics) -- Action (physics) -- Action algebra -- Action-angle coordinates -- Action axiom -- Activation energy asymptotics -- Active and passive transformation -- Active Brownian particle -- Active set method -- Activity-driven model -- Actor model theory -- Actual infinity -- Actuarial credentialing and exams -- Actuarial notation -- Actuarial polynomials -- Actuarial present value -- Actuarial science -- Actuarial Society of South Africa HIV/AIDS models -- Actuary -- Acute and obtuse triangles --



Acyclic coloring -- Acyclic graph -- Acyclic group -- Acyclic model -- Acyclic object -- Acyclic orientation -- Acyclic space -- Acylindrically hyperbolic group -- Aczel's anti-foundation axiom -- Ad infinitum -- AD+ -- Ádám's conjecture -- Adams filtration -- Adams hemisphere-in-a-square projection -- Adams operation -- Adams Prize -- Adams resolution -- Adams spectral sequence -- Adams–Williamson equation -- Adapted process -- Adaptive design (medicine) -- Adaptive dimensional search -- Adaptive Gabor representation -- Adaptive mesh refinement -- Adaptive quadrature -- Adaptive Simpson's method -- Adaptive simulated annealing -- Adaptive step size -- Addition -- Addition chain -- Addition-chain exponentiation -- Addition Principle -- Addition-subtraction chain -- Addition theorem -- Additive basis -- Additive category -- Additive combinatorics -- Additive disequilibrium and z statistic -- Additive function -- Additive group -- Additive identity -- Additive inverse -- Additive K-theory -- Additive map -- Additive Markov chain -- Additive model -- Additive number theory -- Additive polynomial -- Additive process -- Additive Schwarz method -- Additive smoothing -- Additive synthesis -- Additive white Gaussian noise -- Additively indecomposable ordinal --



ADE classification -- Adele ring -- Adelic algebraic group -- Adequality -- Adequate equivalence relation -- Adequate pointclass -- ADF-GLS test -- Adherent point -- Adhesive category -- ADHM construction -- Adhyavasāya -- Adiabatic theorem -- Adian–Rabin theorem -- Adjacency algebra -- Adjacency list -- Adjacency matrix -- Adjacent-vertex-distinguishing-total coloring -- Adjoint -- Adjoint (disambiguation) -- Adjoint bundle -- Adjoint equation -- Adjoint filter -- Adjoint functors -- Adjoint representation -- Adjoint state method -- Adjugate matrix -- Adjunction formula -- Adjunction space -- Adleman–Pomerance–Rumely primality test -- Admissible algebra -- Admissible decision rule -- Admissible ordinal -- Admissible representation -- Admissible rule -- Admissible set --



Ado's theorem -- Adomian decomposition method -- Adrien Pouliot Award -- Advanced level mathematics -- Advanced Numerical Research and Analysis Group -- Advanced z-transform -- Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras -- Advances in Applied Mathematics -- Advances in Difference Equations -- Advances in Geometry -- Advances in Group Theory and Applications -- Advances in Mathematics -- Advances in Operator Theory -- Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics -- Advection -- Adventures Among the Toroids -- Adversarial queueing network -- Advice (complexity) -- Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education -- Aegean numerals -- Aequationes Mathematicae -- Aeroacoustic analogy -- AES-GCM-SIV -- Aevum -- AF-heap -- AF+BG theorem -- Affiliated operator -- Affine -- Affine (disambiguation) -- Affine action -- Affine arithmetic -- Affine braid group -- Affine bundle -- Affine combination -- Affine connection -- Affine curvature -- Affine differential geometry -- Affine focal set -- Affine geometry -- Affine geometry of curves -- Affine Grassmannian -- Affine Grassmannian (manifold) -- Affine group -- Affine Hecke algebra -- Affine hull -- Affine involution -- Affine Lie algebra -- Affine logic -- Affine manifold -- Affine monoid -- Affine plane -- Affine plane (incidence geometry) -- Affine q-Krawtchouk polynomials -- Affine-regular polygon -- Affine representation -- Affine root system -- Affine scaling -- Affine space -- Affine sphere -- Affine symmetric group -- Affine term structure model -- Affine transformation -- Affine variety --



African Institute for Mathematical Sciences -- African Mathematical Union -- African Women in Mathematics Association -- Āgamaḍambara -- Age of the captain -- Age-standardized mortality rate -- Aggregate data -- AGM method -- Agmon's inequality -- Agnar Höskuldsson -- Agoh–Giuga conjecture -- Agranovich–Dynin formula -- Agrawal's conjecture -- Agreement forest -- Ahlfors finiteness theorem -- Ahlfors measure conjecture -- Ahlfors theory -- Ahlswede–Daykin inequality -- Ahoona -- AI-complete -- Aiken code -- Ailles rectangle -- Airport problem -- Airport reference temperature -- Airy function -- Airy zeta function -- Aisenstadt Prize -- Aitken interpolation -- Aitken's delta-squared process -- Aizerman's conjecture --



Ak singularity -- Akaike information criterion -- Akbulut cork -- Akhiezer's theorem -- Akhmim wooden tablets -- Akima spline -- Akira Haraguchi -- Akira Yoshizawa -- Akivis algebra -- AKNS system -- Akra–Bazzi method -- AKS primality test -- Aksharapalli -- Al-Farabi -- Al-Marrakushi (disambiguation) -- AL procedure -- Al-Salam–Carlitz polynomials -- Al-Salam–Chihara polynomials -- Al-Salam–Ismail polynomials -- Al-Salam polynomial -- Alan Turing Building -- Alan Turing Institute -- Alan Turing Year -- Albanese variety -- Albert algebra -- Albert–Brauer–Hasse–Noether theorem -- Albert Einstein Archives -- Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize -- Albert Tavkhelidze -- Albertson conjecture --



Alcubierre drive -- Alcuin's sequence -- ALEKS -- Aleksandrov–Clark measure -- Aleksandrov–Rassias problem -- Alekseev–Gröbner formula -- Aleph number -- Alexander duality -- Alexander–Hirschowitz theorem -- Alexander horned sphere -- Alexander matrix -- Alexander polynomial -- Alexander–Spanier cohomology -- Alexander's Star -- Alexander's theorem -- Alexander's trick -- Alexandroff extension -- Alexandroff plank -- Alexandrov space -- Alexandrov theorem -- Alexandrov topology -- Alexandrov's uniqueness theorem -- Alexiewicz norm -- Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics -- Alfréd Rényi Prize -- Algebra -- Algebra & Number Theory -- Algebra (disambiguation) -- Algebra (ring theory) -- Algebra and Logic -- Algebra bundle -- Algebra Colloquium -- Algebra homomorphism -- Algebra i Logika -- Algebra of physical space -- Algebra of random variables -- Algebra of sets -- Algebra over a field -- Algebra Project -- Algebra representation -- Algebra tile -- Algebra Universalis -- Algebraic & Geometric Topology -- Algebraic analysis -- Algebraic character -- Algebraic closure -- Algebraic cobordism -- Algebraic combinatorics -- Algebraic Combinatorics (journal) -- Algebraic connectivity -- Algebraic curve -- Algebraic cycle -- Algebraic definition -- Algebraic differential equation -- Algebraic differential geometry -- Algebraic element -- Algebraic enumeration -- Algebraic equation -- Algebraic expression -- Algebraic extension -- Algebraic fraction -- Algebraic function -- Algebraic function field -- Algebraic geometry -- Algebraic Geometry (book) -- Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry -- Algebraic geometry of projective spaces -- Algebraic graph theory -- Algebraic group -- Algebraic-group factorisation algorithm -- Algebraic independence -- Algebraic integer -- Algebraic interior -- Algebraic K-theory -- Algebraic link -- Algebraic logic -- Algebraic manifold -- Algebraic matroid -- Algebraic modeling language -- Algebraic normal form -- Algebraic notation (disambiguation) -- Algebraic number -- Algebraic number field -- Algebraic number theory -- Algebraic operation -- Algebraic representation -- Algebraic Riccati equation -- Algebraic semantics -- Algebraic semantics (mathematical logic) -- Algebraic sentence -- Algebraic set -- Algebraic signal processing -- Algebraic space -- Algebraic stack -- Algebraic statistics -- Algebraic structure -- Algebraic surface -- Algebraic system -- Algebraic theory -- Algebraic topology -- Algebraic topology (object) -- Algebraic torus -- Algebraic variety -- Algebraically closed field -- Algebraically closed group -- Algebraically compact group -- Algebraically compact module -- Algebraicity conjecture -- Algebrator -- Algebroid -- Algebroid (disambiguation) -- Algebroid function -- Algorism -- Algorismus (Norse text) -- Algorithm -- Algorithm aversion -- Algorithm characterizations -- Algorithm design -- Algorithm engineering -- Algorithmic Combinatorics on Partial Words -- Algorithmic composition -- Algorithmic Geometry -- Algorithmic inference -- Algorithmic information theory -- Algorithmic logic -- Algorithmic Lovász local lemma -- Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium -- Algorithmic probability -- Algorithmic technique -- Algorithmic transparency -- Algorithmically random sequence -- Algorithms (journal) -- Algorithms and Combinatorics -- Algorithms for calculating variance --



Alhazen's problem -- Alias method -- Alice T. Schafer Prize -- Alignments of random points -- Aliquot (disambiguation) -- Aliquot sequence -- Aliquot sum -- ALL (complexity) -- All horses are the same color -- All models are wrong -- All one polynomial -- All-pairs testing -- All-pay auction -- All-Russian Mathematical Portal -- All-serial CORDIC -- All Students Take Calculus -- Allais paradox -- Allan variance -- Allegory (mathematics) -- Allen–Cahn equation -- Alligation -- Almagest -- Almgren–Pitts min-max theory -- Almgren regularity theorem -- Almost -- Almost all -- Almost commutative ring -- Almost complex manifold -- Almost-contact manifold -- Almost convergent sequence -- Almost disjoint sets -- Almost everywhere -- Almost flat manifold -- Almost holomorphic modular form -- Almost integer -- Almost Mathieu operator -- Almost open map -- Almost perfect number -- Almost periodic function -- Almost prime -- Almost ring -- Almost simple group -- Almost sure hypothesis testing -- Almost surely -- Almost symplectic manifold --



Alon–Boppana bound -- Alon–Saks–Seymour conjecture -- Alperin–Brauer–Gorenstein theorem -- Alpha-beta conjecture -- Alpha–beta pruning -- Alpha centrality -- Alpha max plus beta min algorithm -- Alpha recursion theory -- Alpha shape -- Alphabet (formal languages) -- Alphabet (poetry collection) -- Alphabetic numeral system -- Alphamagic square -- Alphanumeric grid -- Alphasyllabic numeral system -- Alternant code -- Alternant matrix -- Alternated hexagonal tiling honeycomb -- Alternated hypercubic honeycomb -- Alternated octagonal tiling -- Alternated order-4 hexagonal tiling -- Alternating algebra -- Alternating-direction implicit method -- Alternating factorial -- Alternating group -- Alternating knot -- Alternating multilinear map -- Alternating permutation -- Alternating planar algebra -- Alternating polynomial -- Alternating series -- Alternating series test -- Alternating sign matrix -- Alternation (formal language theory) -- Alternation (geometry) -- Alternative algebra -- Alternative hypothesis -- Alternative semantics -- Alternative set theory -- Alternativity -- Altitude (triangle) --



Aluthge transform -- Alvis–Curtis duality -- AM (complexity) -- Amalgamation property -- Amari distance -- Ambient construction -- Ambient isotopy -- Ambient space -- Ambiguity -- Ambiguity function -- Ambit field -- AMD Core Math Library -- Amenable Banach algebra -- Amenable group -- Amenable number -- American Association for Public Opinion Research -- American Institute of Mathematics -- American Invitational Mathematics Examination -- American Journal of Mathematics -- American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges -- American Mathematical Society -- American Mathematics Competitions -- American Regions Mathematics League -- American Statistical Association -- Amicable numbers -- Amicable triple -- Amitsur complex -- Amitsur–Levitzki theorem -- Ammann–Beenker tiling -- Amnestic functor --



Amoeba (mathematics) -- Amoeba order -- Amorphous set -- Amortized analysis -- Ampère Prize -- Ampersand curve -- AMPL -- Ample line bundle -- Amplitude death -- Amplitude-shift keying -- Amplituhedron -- Amplitwist -- AMS Distinguished Public Service Award -- An Essay on the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electricity and Magnetism -- An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances -- An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything -- An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments -- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers -- Anabelian geometry -- Analogy of the divided line -- Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l'Intelligence des Lignes Courbes -- Analysis -- Analysis and Applications -- Analysis of algorithms -- Analysis of Boolean functions -- Analysis of covariance -- Analysis of molecular variance -- Analysis of partial differential equations -- Analysis of rhythmic variance -- Analysis of similarities -- Analysis of variance -- Analysis on fractals -- Analysis Situs (book) -- Analysis Situs (paper) -- Analyst's traveling salesman theorem -- Analytic and enumerative statistical studies -- Analytic capacity -- Analytic Combinatorics -- Analytic continuation -- Analytic element method -- Analytic Fredholm theorem -- Analytic function -- Analytic function of a matrix -- Analytic functor -- Analytic geometry -- Analytic manifold -- Analytic number theory -- Analytic philosophy -- Analytic polyhedron -- Analytic proof -- Analytic semigroup -- Analytic set -- Analytic signal -- Analytic space -- Analytic subgroup theorem -- Analytic torsion -- Analytica (software) -- Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies -- Analytical Engine -- Analytical hierarchy -- Analytical mechanics -- Analytical regularization -- Analytical Society -- Analytically irreducible ring -- Analytically normal ring -- Analytically unramified ring -- Analyticity of holomorphic functions -- Analytics -- Anamorphism -- Anathem --



Ancestral graph -- Ancestral relation -- Anchor test -- Ancient Egyptian mathematics -- Ancient Egyptian multiplication -- Ancient Mesopotamian units of measurement -- Ancient solution -- Ancillary statistic -- And-inverter graph -- And–or tree -- Anderson acceleration -- Anderson–Darling test -- Anderson function -- Anderson–Kadec theorem -- Anderson's theorem -- Andrásfai graph -- André Lichnerowicz Prize -- André–Oort conjecture -- André plane -- André–Quillen cohomology -- Andrea Saltelli -- Andrei Borisovich Vistelius Research Award -- Andreotti–Frankel theorem -- Andreotti–Grauert theorem -- Andreotti–Norguet formula -- Andreotti–Vesentini theorem -- Andres and Marzo's delta -- Andrews–Curtis conjecture -- Andrews plot -- Andrica's conjecture -- Andriy Slyusarchuk -- Andronov–Pontryagin criterion -- Andy Murray's career statistics --



Anecdotal evidence -- Angel problem -- Angelescu polynomials -- Angenent torus -- Anger function -- Angle -- Angle bisector theorem -- Angle condition -- Angle of parallelism -- Angle of rotation -- Angle trisection -- Angles between flats -- Angular acceleration -- Angular defect -- Angular diameter -- Angular distance -- Angular eccentricity -- Angular frequency -- Angular mil -- Angular momentum diagrams (quantum mechanics) -- Angular momentum operator -- Angular unit -- Angular velocity -- Anhemitonic scale -- Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius -- Anisohedral tiling -- Anisotropic diffusion -- Ankeny–Artin–Chowla congruence -- Anna Karenina principle -- Annales de Gergonne -- Annales de l'Institut Fourier -- Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse -- Annales Fennici Mathematici -- Annales Henri Poincaré -- Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure -- Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata -- Annals of Applied Probability -- Annals of Functional Analysis -- Annals of Mathematical Statistics -- Annals of Mathematics -- Annals of Statistics -- Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics -- Anne Bennett Prize -- Anne's theorem -- Annihilator (ring theory) -- Annihilator method -- Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application -- Annulus (mathematics) -- Annulus theorem --



Anomalous cancellation -- Anomaly time series -- Anonymous function -- Anosov diffeomorphism -- ANOVA gauge R&R -- ANOVA on ranks -- ANOVA–simultaneous component analysis -- Ansatz -- Anscombe transform -- Anscombe's quartet -- Ant colony optimization algorithms -- Ant on a rubber rope -- Antecedent variable -- Antenna tracking system -- Anthropomorphic polygon -- Anti-de Sitter space -- Anti-diagonal matrix -- Anti-function -- Anti-martingale -- Anti-unification (computer science) -- Antiautomorphism -- Anticausal system -- Antichain -- Anticommutative property -- Antiderivative -- Antiderivative (complex analysis) -- Antidistributive -- Antieigenvalue theory -- Antifragile (book) -- Antifundamental representation -- Antiholomorphic function -- Antihomomorphism -- Antiisomorphism -- Antikythera mechanism -- Antilinear map -- Antilogarithm -- Antimagic square -- Antimatroid -- Antiparallel (mathematics) -- Antiparallelogram -- Antipodal point -- Antiprism -- Antiprism graph -- Antiquarian science books -- Antisthenes -- Antisymmetric -- Antisymmetric relation -- Antisymmetric tensor -- Antisymmetrizer -- Antithetic variates -- Antiunitary operator -- Antivector -- Antoine's necklace --



Anviksiki -- AnyLogic -- Anyon -- Anyonic Lie algebra -- AP Calculus -- AP Statistics -- Apartness -- Apartness relation -- Apeirogon -- Apeirogonal antiprism -- Apeirogonal hosohedron -- Apeirogonal prism -- Apeirogonal tiling -- Apeirotope -- Aperiodic finite state automaton -- Aperiodic graph -- Aperiodic semigroup -- Aperiodic tiling -- Apéry's constant -- Apéry's theorem -- Apex (geometry) -- Apex graph -- APMonitor -- Apodization -- Apollonian circles -- Apollonian gasket -- Apollonian network -- Apollonian sphere packing -- Apollonius point -- Apollonius's theorem -- APOPT -- Apothem -- Apotome -- Apotome (mathematics) --



Apparent infection rate -- Appell–Humbert theorem -- Appell sequence -- Appell series -- Appert topology -- Applicable mathematics -- Applications of dual quaternions to 2D geometry -- Applications of p-boxes and probability bounds analysis -- Applications of sensitivity analysis in epidemiology -- Applications of sensitivity analysis to environmental sciences -- Applications of sensitivity analysis to model calibration -- Applications of sensitivity analysis to multi-criteria decision making -- Applicative computing systems -- Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis -- Applied category theory -- Applied Econometrics and International Development -- Applied element method -- Applied general equilibrium -- Applied mathematics -- Applied Mathematics Panel -- Applied mechanics -- Applied probability -- Applied Probability Trust -- Apply -- Approach space -- Approximate Bayesian computation -- Approximate computing -- Approximate entropy -- Approximate fibration -- Approximate group -- Approximate identity -- Approximate limit -- Approximate max-flow min-cut theorem -- Approximate number system -- Approximate string matching -- Approximate tangent space -- Approximately finite-dimensional -- Approximately finite-dimensional (disambiguation) -- Approximately finite-dimensional C*-algebra -- Approximation -- Approximation algorithm -- Approximation error -- Approximation in algebraic groups -- Approximation-preserving reduction -- Approximation property -- Approximation property (ring theory) -- Approximation theory -- Approximations of π --



APX -- Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics -- Arabic numeral variations -- Arabic numerals -- Arakawa–Kaneko zeta function -- Arakelov theory -- Arason invariant -- Arbelos -- Arbitrarily large -- Arbitrarily varying channel -- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic -- Arborescence (graph theory) -- Arboricity -- Arc (projective geometry) -- Arc elasticity -- Arc length -- Arc routing -- Arcadia (play) -- Archard equation -- Archimedean circle -- Archimedean graph -- Archimedean group -- Archimedean ordered vector space -- Archimedean property -- Archimedean solid -- Archimedean spiral -- Archimedes-lab.org -- Archimedes number -- Archimedes Palimpsest -- Archimedes' quadruplets -- Archimedes's cattle problem -- Architectonic and catoptric tessellation -- Archiv der Mathematik -- Archive for Mathematical Logic -- Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis -- Archives of American Mathematics -- Arcsine distribution -- Arcsine law -- Arcsine law (disambiguation) -- Arcsine laws (Wiener process) --



Arditi–Ginzburg equations -- Area -- Area (graph drawing) -- Area compatibility factor -- Area of a circle -- Area theorem (conformal mapping) -- Areal velocity -- Areas of mathematics -- Arellano–Bond estimator -- Arens–Fort space -- Arens square -- Arf invariant -- Arf invariant of a knot -- Arf ring -- Arf semigroup -- Arg max -- Argand system -- Argument (complex analysis) -- Argument–deduction–proof distinctions -- Argument of a function -- Argument principle -- Argument shift method -- Argus – Audit Record Generation and Utilization System -- ARGUS distribution -- Ariadne's thread (logic) -- Aristarchian symbols -- Aristarchus On the Sizes and Distances -- Aristarchus's inequality -- Aristotelian realist philosophy of mathematics -- Aristotelianism -- Aristotle's wheel paradox -- Arithmetic -- Arithmetic and geometric Frobenius -- Arithmetic billiards -- Arithmetic circuit complexity -- Arithmetic coding -- Arithmetic combinatorics -- Arithmetic derivative -- Arithmetic dynamics -- Arithmetic for Parents -- Arithmetic Fuchsian group -- Arithmetic function -- Arithmetic genus -- Arithmetic–geometric mean -- Arithmetic geometry -- Arithmetic group -- Arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold -- Arithmetic mean -- Arithmetic number -- Arithmetic of abelian varieties -- Arithmetic progression -- Arithmetic progression game -- Arithmetic progression topologies -- Arithmetic rope -- Arithmetic surface -- Arithmetic topology -- Arithmetic variety -- Arithmetic zeta function -- Arithmetica -- Arithmetica Logarithmica -- Arithmetica Universalis -- Arithmetical hierarchy -- Arithmetical ring -- Arithmetical set -- Arithmetices principia, nova methodo exposita -- Arithmetico-geometric sequence -- Arithmetization of analysis -- Arithmeum -- Arithmologia -- Arity --



Arkiv för Matematik -- Arkiv för matematik, astronomi och fysik -- Arm solution -- Armadillo (C++ library) -- Armenian numerals -- Armstrong's axioms -- Arnold–Beltrami–Childress flow -- Arnold conjecture -- Arnold diffusion -- Arnold–Givental conjecture -- Arnold Mathematical Journal -- Arnold tongue -- Arnold's cat map -- Arnold's spectral sequence -- Arnoldi iteration -- Aronson's sequence -- Aronszajn line -- Aronszajn tree -- Arpent -- Arrangement (space partition) -- Arrangement of hyperplanes -- Arrangement of lines -- Arrival theorem -- Arrow notation -- Arrow notation (disambiguation) -- Arrow's impossibility theorem -- Arrowhead matrix -- Ars Combinatoria (journal) -- Ars Conjectandi -- Ars Magna (Cardano book) -- Ars Mathematica Contemporanea --



Art gallery problem -- Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms -- Arthur–Merlin protocol -- Arthur Schopenhauer -- Arthur–Selberg trace formula -- Arthur's conjectures -- Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm -- Artificial immune system -- Artificial neural network -- Artificial precision -- Artin algebra -- Artin approximation theorem -- Artin billiard -- Artin conductor -- Artin conjecture -- Artin conjecture (disambiguation) -- Artin conjecture (L-functions) -- Artin–Hasse exponential -- Artin L-function -- Artin–Mazur zeta function -- Artin reciprocity law -- Artin–Rees lemma -- Artin–Schreier curve -- Artin–Schreier theory -- Artin–Tate lemma -- Artin–Tits group -- Artin transfer (group theory) -- Artin–Verdier duality -- Artin–Wedderburn theorem -- Artin–Zorn theorem -- Artin's conjecture on primitive roots -- Artin's criterion -- Artin's theorem on induced characters -- Artinian -- Artinian (disambiguation) -- Artinian ideal -- Artinian module -- Artinian ring -- Artstein's theorem --



ArviZ -- Ary L. Goldberger -- Āryabhaṭa numeration -- Āryabhaṭa's sine table -- Aryabhatiya -- Arzelà–Ascoli theorem -- As I was going to St Ives -- Asaṃkhyeya -- Asano contraction -- Ascendant subgroup -- Ascending chain condition -- Ascending chain condition on principal ideals -- Aschbacher block -- Ascii85 -- Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research -- Asian Journal of Mathematics -- Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad -- Askey–Bateman project -- Askey–Gasper inequality -- Askey scheme -- Askey–Wilson polynomials -- Asperity (materials science) -- Aspherical space -- Asplund space -- Assemble-to-order system -- Assembly map -- Assignment problem -- Associahedron -- Associate family -- Associated bundle -- Associated graded ring -- Associated Legendre polynomials -- Associated prime -- Association (statistics) -- Association for Logic, Language and Information -- Association for Symbolic Logic -- Association for Women in Mathematics -- Association for Women in Mathematics Newsletter -- Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences -- Association of European Operational Research Societies -- Association of Mathematics Teachers of India -- Association of Teachers of Mathematics -- Association scheme -- Associative algebra -- Associative bialgebroid -- Associative magic square -- Associative property -- Associativity -- Associator -- Assortative mixing -- Assortativity -- Assouad dimension -- Assouad–Nagata dimension -- Assumed mean --



AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis -- AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv -- Aṣṭādhyāyī -- Astérisque -- Astroid -- Astroinformatics -- Astrolabe -- Astronomical year numbering -- Astronomy -- Astrostatistics -- Asymmetric cointegration -- Asymmetric graph -- Asymmetric Laplace distribution -- Asymmetric norm -- Asymmetric numeral systems -- Asymmetric relation -- Asymptote -- Asymptotic analysis -- Asymptotic computational complexity -- Asymptotic curve -- Asymptotic dimension -- Asymptotic distribution -- Asymptotic equipartition property -- Asymptotic expansion -- Asymptotic homogenization -- Asymptotic theory (statistics) -- Asymptotically flat spacetime -- Asymptotically optimal algorithm -- Asymptotology -- Atan2 --



Athanasius Kircher -- Atiyah algebroid -- Atiyah–Bott fixed-point theorem -- Atiyah–Bott formula -- Atiyah conjecture -- Atiyah conjecture on configurations -- Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence -- Atiyah–Hitchin–Singer theorem -- Atiyah–Jones conjecture -- Atiyah–Segal completion theorem -- Atiyah–Singer index theorem -- Atkin–Lehner theory -- Atkinson–Mingarelli theorem -- Atkinson's theorem -- Atlas (topology) -- ATLAS of Finite Groups -- Atlas of Lie groups and representations -- Atom (measure theory) -- Atom (order theory) -- Atomic domain -- Atomic formula -- Atomic model (mathematical logic) -- Atomic number -- Atomic sentence -- Atoroidal -- Atriphtaloid -- ATS theorem -- Attacking Faulty Reasoning -- Attic numerals -- Attractor -- Attribute domain -- Attributional calculus --



Aubin–Lions lemma -- Aubrey de Grey -- Auction algorithm -- Auction theory -- Auerbach's lemma -- Augmentation (algebra) -- Augmentation ideal -- Augmented Dickey–Fuller test -- Augmented dodecahedron -- Augmented filtration -- Augmented hexagonal prism -- Augmented Lagrangian method -- Augmented matrix -- Augmented pentagonal prism -- Augmented Reality Sandtable -- Augmented sphenocorona -- Augmented triangular prism -- Augmented tridiminished icosahedron -- Augmented truncated cube -- Augmented truncated dodecahedron -- Augmented truncated tetrahedron -- Aumann's agreement theorem -- Aurifeuillean factorization -- Auslander algebra -- Auslander–Buchsbaum formula -- Auslander–Buchsbaum theorem -- Auslander–Reiten theory -- AUSM -- Australasian Journal of Combinatorics -- Australian Aboriginal enumeration -- Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers -- Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute -- Australian Mathematical Society -- Australian Mathematics Competition -- Australian Science and Mathematics School -- Austrian Journal of Statistics -- Austrian Mathematical Society --



Autocorrelation -- Autocorrelation (words) -- Autocorrelation matrix -- Autocorrelation technique -- Autocovariance -- Autoepistemic logic -- Autologistic actor attribute models -- Automated efficiency model -- Automated Mathematician -- Automated reasoning -- Automated theorem proving -- Automatic basis function construction -- Automatic differentiation -- Automatic group -- Automatic label placement -- Automatic semigroup -- Automatic sequence -- Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software -- Automedian triangle -- Automorphic factor -- Automorphic form -- Automorphic Forms on GL(2) -- Automorphic function -- Automorphic L-function -- Automorphic number -- Automorphism -- Automorphism group -- Automorphism group of a free group -- Automorphism of a Lie algebra -- Automorphisms of the symmetric and alternating groups -- Autonomous category -- Autonomous convergence theorem -- Autonomous system (mathematics) -- Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity -- Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average -- Autoregressive integrated moving average -- Autoregressive model -- Autoregressive moving average model -- Autowave -- Autowave reverberator --



Auxetics -- Auxiliary-field Monte Carlo -- Auxiliary function -- Auxiliary line -- Auxiliary normed space -- Auxiliary particle filter -- Auxiliary polynomial -- Auxiliary polynomial (disambiguation) -- Availability -- Average -- Average absolute deviation -- Average-case complexity -- Average crossing number -- Average order of an arithmetic function -- Average path length -- Average rectified value -- Average variance extracted -- Averaged one-dependence estimators -- Averaging argument -- Averroes -- Avicenna -- Avogadro constant -- AW*-algebra -- AWM Service Award -- AWPP (complexity) -- Ax–Grothendieck theorem -- Ax–Kochen theorem -- Axes conventions -- Axial multipole moments -- Axial symmetry -- Axiality (geometry) -- Axiality and rhombicity -- Axiom -- Axiom A -- Axiom of adjunction -- Axiom of choice -- Axiom of constructibility -- Axiom of countability -- Axiom of countable choice -- Axiom of dependent choice -- Axiom of determinacy -- Axiom of empty set -- Axiom of extensionality -- Axiom of finite choice -- Axiom of global choice -- Axiom of infinity -- Axiom of limitation of size -- Axiom of Maria -- Axiom of non-choice -- Axiom of pairing -- Axiom of power set -- Axiom of projective determinacy -- Axiom of real determinacy -- Axiom of reducibility -- Axiom of regularity -- Axiom of union -- Axiom schema -- Axiom schema of predicative separation -- Axiom schema of replacement -- Axiom schema of specification -- Axiomatic foundations of topological spaces -- Axiomatic geometry -- Axiomatic system -- Axioms (journal) -- Axis-aligned object -- Axis-angle representation --



Axonometric projection -- Axonometry -- Aztec diamond -- Azulejo -- Azuma's inequality -- Azumaya algebra --